Jan 31, 2020 | MLS®, Stats & Technology |
After a recent review of RAHB Rule & Regulation, Section 10 – Advertising, Sub-section 10.04, the MLS® Committee and Board of Directors determined that due to increases in Boards and Associations participating in the interboarding process and data sharing, the rule is no longer relevant or applicable.
Therefore Section 10 – Advertising, Sub-section 10.04 as follows has been removed from RAHB’s Rules & Regulations:
10.04 Brokerages which list real estate on the Association’s MLS® System which is not located within the jurisdiction of the Association shall not, by sign or other advertisement in that outside area, indicate that such property is listed on the MLS® system of such other jurisdiction unless the Listing has been submitted and accepted by the board or association in whose jurisdiction the property is located, or such advertisement indicates specifically that the property is listed on the Association’s MLS® System
Should you have any questions, please contact the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or email [email protected]
Jan 28, 2020 | Matrix, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
A review of MLS® Policy Photos/ Images #4 was recently conducted due to members continuing to use other member’s photos, without obtaining written permission; as per the policy.
Following the review the Board of Directors approved an increase in the fine amount for RAHB MLS® Policy, Photos/ Images #4, from $50 to $250 as follows:
RAHB MLS® Policy – Photo/ Images
4. If a member is using another members’ previous listing photo on a listing without written permission, the photos will be removed, the status will be changed to information withheld until a new photo is provided, and a $250 fine will be levied to the member.
If you would like to use another member’s previous listing photos, you are required to obtain written permission from the previous listing Brokerage and/ or listing salesperson. Should MLS® staff be notified and verify that a member has used another member’s listing photos without written permission, an automatic $250 fine will be levied to the member.
Should you have any questions, please contact the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected]
Dec 13, 2019 | Matrix, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
In recent months, RAHB has seen an increase in the number of property photos that appear to be “virtually staged”, meaning that photos of the home, or rooms within the home, have been digitally modified to show its potential rather than its current condition.
When advertising a home on MLS®, it must be advertised in the condition it appears today. Should you choose to advertise additional photos/images in addition to the photos which represent the current condition, you must clearly identify those modified photos/images on the bottom of the photo. This is done at the time the photos/images are uploaded on Matrix. To indicate photos/images that have been modified, you may use the following words:
- Artist’s rendering only
- Potential improvements
Without clearly indicating the photo has been modified, it is an inaccurate representation of the property, and therefore a violation of REBBA’s 2002 Code of Ethics, section #37 & #38 as follows:
REBBA 2002, Code of Ethics:
Inaccurate representations
- (1) A registrant shall not knowingly make an inaccurate representation in respect of a trade in real estate. O. Reg. 580/05, s. 37 (1).
(2) A registrant shall not knowingly make an inaccurate representation about services provided by the registrant. O. Reg. 580/05, s. 37 (2).
Error, misrepresentation, fraud, etc.
- A registrant shall use the registrant’s best efforts to prevent error, misrepresentation, fraud or any unethical practice in respect of a trade in real estate. O. Reg. 580/05, s. 38.
In addition RAHB’s MLS® policies prohibit any overlay of text or embellishments from appearing on any photos/images.
RAHB MLS® Policies:
- Photos submitted with any overlay of text will not be accepted; with the exception of sketches.
- Photos/images uploaded to RAHB’s MLS® system will not be accepted if they include embellishments, including but not limited to advertising, marketing as related to the salesperson, broker, or brokerage.
When you advertise additional photos/images in addition to the photos which represent the current condition of the property, you must clearly identify those modified photos/images on the bottom of the photo. This is done at the time the photos/images are uploaded on Matrix. To indicate photos/images that have been modified, follow the steps below:
In Matrix, under the “Input” tab, under “Quick Modify”, select the listing.
Click “Manage Photos”.
Click the “Browse” button and select the modified photo from your files and open.
Click the “Show Photo Details” icon in the top right corner of the photo as shown below:

Click “Enter description”.
In the box provided, enter “Artist’s rendering only” or “Potential improvements”.
Click “Done”, then “Save”.
Should you have any questions, please call the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected].
Dec 10, 2019 | MLS®, Stats & Technology, RAHB News, Uncategorized |
Effective Tuesday, December 10, 2019, a new business rule was implemented in the RAHB Matrix system for Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM).
When a listing is “cancelled” or “expires” and is relisted with the same Brokerage within a period of 60 days from the date of cancellation or expiry, the cumulative days on market (CDOM) will continue counting the total days on market.
When a listing is “cancelled” or “expires” and is relisted after a period of 60 days with the same Brokerage, the CDOM counter will reset and begin counting at zero.
If a listing is “cancelled” or “expires” and is relisted with a different Brokerage, the CDOM rule will not apply.
This change will ensure the actual Days on Market is reflected in the listing history.
The CDOM will appear on the REALTOR® Full report for all property types.
Should you have any questions, please contact the RAHB MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected].
Nov 25, 2019 | MLS®, Stats & Technology |
To add or update your personal photo on REALTOR.ca®, follow the steps below:
- In Matrix from the blue “Tools” tab select “CREA Member Tools”.

- Select “Update My Profile”.
- Click “Choose File”.\

- Locate your photo on our computer, and click “Open”.\

- Click “Save”.\

Should you have any questions, please call the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected]
Nov 8, 2019 | MLS®, Stats & Technology |
On November 7, 2019 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) released the Housing Market Assessment. Housing Market Assessment publications evaluate the extent to which there is evidence of problematic housing market conditions in selected Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs). Results are updated on a quarterly basis.
Please click here for the CMHC Housing Market Assessment.
Housing Market Assessment
Oct 22, 2019 | CREA/OREA/RECO News, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
The highly anticipated REALTOR.ca Listing Stats app for REALTORS® launched through Apple and Google Play app stores on Thursday, October 17 at 10 a.m.
This easy-to-use tool for REALTORS® that allows them to view listing stats and manage leads on the go,is available for download.
Available for iOS and Android platforms, the app allows REALTORS® to:
- track listing performance from REALTOR.ca and REALTOR.ca DDF®;
- share reports with clients; and
- respond instantly to lead notifications.
To download the new app, please click the respective links below:
The app is powered through the listing analytics services currently used for Listing Stats featured on member.realtor.ca.
No additional registration is required. REALTORS® will be able to login to the app using their exisiting NAF credentials.
Oct 22, 2019 | MLS®, Stats & Technology |
RAHB has received complaints from members who have had an appointment for a showing only to discover afterwards, the property had a conditional offer and they were not notified of the status change by the listing REALTOR®. Effective immediately, the Board of Directors have approved the following rule which has been added to RAHB’s MLS® Rules and Regulations, Section 2 – MLS® Listings, Sub-Section 2.18 as follows:
The Listing Member shall immediately, and with reasonable notice notify any party who requests a viewing or has received a confirmation for a viewing if the listing status changes including but not limited to “Active-CS” (Conditional Sale), “Active-NS” (Conditional Sale No Showings), “Sold”, “Suspended”, or “Cancelled”, or if a registered offer is received.
If a member fails to comply and there is a complaint filed, this matter will be brought forward to the Professional Standards Committee.
Should you have any questions, please call the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected].
Sep 23, 2019 | MLS®, Stats & Technology |
In December 2016 Teranet first introduced and made available the “NEW GeoWarehouse” solution. The “NEW GeoWarehouse” is easy to use, and offers the following features:
- Enhanced mapping and search capabilities
- Improved comparables and sales parameters
- New property report
- PDF generator capabilities for easy printing, saving, sharing and much more!
During this time, all RAHB members have been able to access both the “GeoWarehouse Classic” and the “NEW GeoWarehouse” versions. As of Septemer 30, 2019, Teranet is retiring the “Classic” version. After this date you will only be able to access the “NEW GeoWarehouse”.
There are a number of self-assist resources available for reference, from manuals and guides to a NEW interactive video library. The links for these resources are:
Quick Reference Guide
Tips and Tricks
Training Videos
User Guide (38 pages)
Webinar Calendar
RAHB will be offering the course “NEW GeoWarehouse” with speaker Theresa Corindia at a cost of $10 + HST on the following dates:
- Friday, October 25 at 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., and
- Friday November 22 at 10:00 a.m. – Noon
You may register on-line through Matrix by clicking “RAHB Education/Account Services” link or by contacting Angela McArthur directly at either [email protected] or at 905.529.8101, ext. 233.
To access the ‘NEW GeoWarehouse’, click on “Tools”, “GeoWarehouse” and then the “NEW GeoWarehouse” link at the top of the page as shown below.

Should you have any questions please call the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or e-mail [email protected]
Sep 12, 2019 | MLS®, Stats & Technology |
RAHB Rule and Regulation, Section 10 Advertising – 10.03
All RAHB members must comply with all City Bylaws when placing signs on properties. As each Municipality has their own specific times and locations, this amendment clearly outlines that all signs placed on properties must comply with all Municipal and Provincial sign legislation.
10.03 Signs giving notice of sale, rent, lease, development, exchange or open house shall not be placed on any property by more than one Brokerage, unless authorized by the Seller. Signs may only be erected on locations that conform with municipal and provincial sign legislation, all applicable laws, regulations, codes and bylaws. A Member shall not interfere with another Brokerage’s sign, unless such property is subsequently listed by said Member.
If a written complaint is received by RAHB, it is forwarded to the Professional Standards Committee for an investigation. Following an investigation by the Professional Standards Committee, the matter may be forwarded to a Discipline Hearing Panel. At a Discipline Hearing, the member may be fined a financial penalty for non-compliance of RAHB MLS® Rules and Regulations.
RAHB’s MLS® Marketing Options Policies
Some general housekeeping changes were made to RAHB’s MLS® Marketing Options Policies #1 and #8 as shown below:
- Members may list:
- A property on the MLS® system on as up to 5 different property information forms types with only one contract being required; the appropriate listing fee for each Property Information Form will apply; or
- Members may list a commercial property on multiple Commercial Property Information Forms with only one contract required provided each form has a different “Commercial Property Type” selected.
- Multiple Contracts and PIF’s Single Property; when a Sale is being reported on a listing, all additional listings must be cancelled by way of a Cancellation of Listing Agreement signed by the Seller and Broker. The cancellation must be received by RAHB processed the same day as the report of sale or a $100 fine will be levied to the member for each listing. This includes listings offered for sale and lease.
Should you have any questions, please contact the MLS® Help desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected]
Aug 6, 2019 | MLS®, Stats & Technology |
Change to RAHB Rule and Regulation, Section 10 Advertising – 10.03
RAHB Rules and Regulations, Section 10 – Advertising, Sub-section 10.03 has been amended. All RAHB members must comply with all City Bylaws when placing signs on properties. As each Municipality has their own specific times and locations, this amendment clearly outlines that all signs placed on properties must comply with all City Bylaws.
10.03 Signs giving notice of sale, rent, lease, development, exchange or open house shall not be placed on any property by more than one Brokerage, unless authorized by the Seller. Signs may only be erected on locations that conform with municipal and provincial sign legislation, all applicable laws, regulations, codes and bylaws. A Member shall not interfere with another Brokerage’s sign, unless such property is subsequently listed by said Member.
Changes Made to RAHB’s MLS® Marketing Options Policies
RAHB’s MLS® Marketing Options Policies have been amended as shown below due to changes with the listing forms and business rules, which allow users who have been granted broker load privileges to cancel their own listing(s).
1.Members may list:
- A property on the MLS® system on as up to 5 different property information forms types with only one contract being required; the appropriate listing fee for each Property Information Form will apply; or
- Members may list a commercial property on multiple Commercial Property Information Forms with only one contract required provided each form has a different “Commercial Property Type” selected.
8.Multiple Contracts and PIF’s Single Property; when a Sale is being reported on a listing, all additional listings must be cancelled by way of a Cancellation of Listing Agreement signed by the Seller and Broker. The cancellation must be received by RAHB processed the same day as the report of sale or a $100 fine will be levied to the member for each listing. This includes listings offered for
Aug 2, 2019 | By Laws, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
Recently there has been an increase in aerial photos to advertise and market listings. Both RAHB and CREA have policies regarding the use of multi-media photo images. Please review the policies below to ensure you are in compliance. Any photo images that do not comply may be reviewed and removed by RAHB and/or CREA.
RAHB MLS® Rules and Regulations:
Section 7 – MLS® Data and Other Board Publications
Associations Website
7.19 REALTOR.ca is a member developed and financed site, the purpose of which is to augment the member-to-member Board MLS® Systems. This policy ensures that the member-to-member aspect is respected on REALTOR.ca and on direct multimedia links from REALTOR.ca to facilitate ongoing member participation on the site. Further, this policy ensures that REALTOR.ca displays information that consumers expect to see based on the link they wish to use. It is inappropriate to use links for any other purpose than what they are intended for. It is also not appropriate to have an advertisement of private sales on webpages linked directly from multimedia links. For the purpose of this policy, “advertisement of private sales” means calling to the attention of the public that a listing is a private sale.
Examples of advertisement of private sales would include, but are not limited to:
- Any reference to “selling privately”
- References to dealing directly with the seller e.g. for showings, offers, etc.
- For Sale By Owner branded marketing materials e.g. a brochure that refers to or is branded with the logo or name of a FSBO company
- Directions or links to a FSBO company or website or otherwise referring to a FSBO company.
Seller contact information is itself a form of advertisement of private sales and should not appear on webpages linked directly from multimedia links. Advertisement of private sales, including seller contact information, is permitted on the REALTOR®’s own website or his or her brokerage website (subject to the Seller Contact Information policy set out above).
- Each field provided through the upload for multimedia links must be used as a link to the identified service and must contain only property-specific information.
Field 63 – alternate feature sheet
Field 64 – virtual tour
Field 65 – sound bites
Field 66 – sales brochure
Field 67 – additional photos
Field 84 – Board preferred map service to locate property
RAHB’ MLS® Policies – Photos/ Images
- Photos submitted with any overlay of text will not be accepted; with the exception of sketches.
- Photos with people and/or their direct image will be subject to review by the MLS® Department; and may be refused or removed. This includes, but is not limited to, photo slots or other media; and or attachments.
- Photos/images uploaded to RAHB’s MLS® system will not be accepted if they include embellishments, including but not limited to advertising, marketing as related to the salesperson, broker or brokerage.
CREA MTC Policies:
Use of Multimedia Links
- Each field provided through the upload for multimedia links must be used as a link to the identified service and must contain only property-specific information.
Taking pictures of houses for use in marketing materials could raise privacy concerns.
For additional information regarding Privacy (PIPEDA), CREA has provided additional resources on REALTORlink® and can be viewed by clicking here.