Jul 17, 2018 | Member Services, RAHB Advantage |
RAHB has partnered with four services to provide savings to you, and there are more coming! Click on the logos below to learn more!
Find out more about how RAHB Advantage, RAHB’s member value package, can help you!
RAHB Advantage

Jul 11, 2018 | Member Services, RAHB Advantage |
RAHB is pleased to welcome Underwriters Alliance Inc. as our newest partner in the member value package, RAHB Advantage!
Underwriters Alliance offers medical and dental coverage, as well as optional life insurance, accidental death & dismemberment (AD&D) coverage, and accident and serious illness insurances.
Learn more about Underwriters Alliance’s medical and dental coverage!
More information
Underwriters Alliance – FAQs
Learn more about RAHB Advantage and the other partners in our member value package.

Jun 12, 2018 | DS, Member Services, RAHB Advantage |
We are pleased to announce that Just Junk Hamilton is the newest partner in RAHB’s member value package, RAHB Advantage.
Just Junk offers a 10 per cent discount on junk removal from your or your clients’ homes – a great service for you as well as your clients! A phone call or e-mail is all it will take to rid your home of unwanted clutter.
Just Junk Hamilton covers a wide area from Oakville to Caledonia – check out what areas they cover as well as how to take advantage of this great service.
Please click here for more information about Just Junk.
Please click here for more information about RAHB Advantage.

May 9, 2018 | DS, Member Services, RAHB Advantage |
Member Value Package
Following up on the introduction of RAHB’s new member value package, RAHB Advantage, we are pleased to welcome our first two partners: The Personal Insurance Company for group home and auto insurance and GoodLife Fitness.

The Personal has been one of Canada’s leading group insurance companies for over 40 years, and offers preferred group rates on home and auto insurance. Their rates are not available to the general public. We chose The Personal for their excellent reputation, long-term commitment to their customers and the benefits they can offer to you.

In addition to preferred rates, you will also receive:
- Personalized coverage to fit your individual needs
- Expert advice from licensed insurance advisors
- 24/7 emergency assistance if you ever need to make a claim
Learn more about The Personal by watching this short video.
For more information or to see how much you can save on your home and auto insurance, contact The Personal at 1.888.476.8737 or thepersonal.com/rahb.

GoodLife Fitness is also offering RAHB members a reduced rate not offered to the general public.
Once you become a GoodLife member under this program, you may add up to four additional family members as members. Use your membership in over 280 fitness clubs across Canada, including 50 Energie Cardio Clubs in Quebec. You will have access to state-of-the-art cardio equipment, free weights and weight machines, and much more!
The cost: only $519 +HST per member per year, or $24 +HST per member bi-weekly.
For more information or to register, go to http://register.goodlifefitness.com.
You can also find more information about both The Personal home and auto insurance and GoodLife Fitness by clicking here. A link to RAHB Advantage will be coming soon to your dashboard at my.rahb.ca!
Be sure to watch for further announcements as additional partners are added to this member value package! It pays to be a RAHB member!
May 7, 2018 | DS, Member Services, RAHB Advantage, RAHB News |

I am very pleased to announce a new member-only value package – RAHB Advantage!
Through RAHB Advantage, we are partnering with a variety of local businesses that will be offering services at discounted prices not available to the general public.
The May 9 issue of NewsReal will include details about our first two partners – The Personal home and auto group insurance and GoodLife Fitness – as well as instructions on how to sign up for the services of your choice. With this member value package you are in control as these services are totally optional; you may register and use whichever services you need or want.
RAHB Advantage is just one more way your association adds value to your RAHB membership. Over the past year RAHB has rolled out a full data share with the regional real estate boards and associations, a new Matrix MLS® System, ShowingTime to automate the property showings process and now this member value package.
Stay tuned as we continue to add more partners to RAHB Advantage, and add even more value to your RAHB membership.

George O’Neill