Jan 7, 2019 | Board of Directors, DS, RAHB News |
With the beginning of 2019, we welcome some new faces to our Board of Directors for 2019.
Hank Balfoort is a Broker at Right at Home Realty Inc. He has worked in organized real estate and been a member of RAHB for 15 years. Hank served on the RAHB Arbitration Committee during 2018 and he will bring his critical thinking and open mind to the RAHB Board in 2019.
Jacqueline Norton is a Salesperson at Realty Network: 100 Inc. She has worked in organized real estate and been a member of RAHB for 19 years. Jacqueline also worked for the City of Hamilton where she worked closely with the City Councillors, their committees and Council. Jacqueline is excited to help RAHB take on challenges in the year to come.
Andrew Robertson is a Broker of Record at Keller Williams Complete Realty. He has worked in organized real estate and been a member of RAHB for 13 years. Andrew previously served two years on RAHB’s Board of Directors and is excited to return to help RAHB in the coming year.
Julie Sergi is a Salesperson at Royal LePage Burloak Real Estate Services. She has worked in organized real estate and been a member of RAHB for 13 years. Julie sat on the RAHB Professionalism Task Force and Member Engagement Committee. Julie is very interested in keeping the professionalism of the RAHB Board as a top priority so the general public and RAHB membership continue to appreciate, respect and value the service RAHB REALTORS® offer.
Brian Shaw is a Salesperson at Royal LePage State Realty. He has worked in organized real estate and been a RAHB member for eight years. Brian has served on RAHB’s Charity Auction Task Force as a co-chair for two years and as a member for five years. Brian hopes to continue to be a part of the positive change within RAHB and the community.
Nicolas von Bredow is a Broker at Royal LePage Macro Realty. He has worked in organized real estate and been a RAHB member for 13 years. Nic was the 2018 Chair of the Government Relations Committee and has served on other committees in the past. Nic looks forward to helping guide the Association into the future during 2019.
Jun 26, 2018 | DS, Matrix, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
A new column header titled EscCl (“Escape Clause”) has been added to the REALTOR® Single Line view for all property types.
This will allow you to see if Active CS properties have an escape clause. Previously, you would have had to open a REALTOR® Full display to see this additional information.
If you have any questions regarding this addition, please call the MLS® Department at 905.667.4650.

Jun 26, 2018 | DS, Member Services |
The RealTrack service is now available for all members’ use in the RAHB Resource Centre.
What is RealTrack?
RealTrack is a licensed database for searching commercial (ICI) real estate transactions of $500,000 and over in Ontario. Compiled from land title documents, telephone interviews, site visits and other sources, RealTrack collects, confirms and publishes the information of over 122,000 property transfers dating back to 1996. The database grows at a rate of over 150 new transactions every week.
Access to RealTrack in the RAHB Resource Centre is by chance or by appointment (one user session at a time). Contact Kathy Rubio at [email protected] or Nancy Duce at [email protected] to reserve your time today!
Jun 19, 2018 | DS, Matrix, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
We recently added 3, 4 and 5-level Sidesplits and 3, 4 and 5-level Backsplits to the Property Style menu in the residential search screen and in Broker Load.
While these features are visible to RAHB members for their searches, they will show only as Sideplit or Backsplit when those property styles are uploaded to the shared database – the regional Matrix system does not differentiate between the number of levels.
Conversely, when backsplits and sidesplits are uploaded from the regional Matrix to RAHB Matrix, they will show only as Backsplit or Sidesplit in RAHB Matrix.
To obtain the best results for your searches and saved searches when they include split levels:
To search: specify the number of levels you are looking for in a split level, as well as Sidesplit and/or Backsplit so you will see all results from RAHB listings and regional listings.
For saved searches: choose Sidesplit and/or Backsplit in addition to the numbered levels of sidesplits or backsplits to see all results from RAHB listings and regional listings.
If you have any questions, please contact the MLS® Department at 905.667.4650 or [email protected].
Jun 12, 2018 | DS, Member Services, RAHB Advantage |
We are pleased to announce that Just Junk Hamilton is the newest partner in RAHB’s member value package, RAHB Advantage.
Just Junk offers a 10 per cent discount on junk removal from your or your clients’ homes – a great service for you as well as your clients! A phone call or e-mail is all it will take to rid your home of unwanted clutter.
Just Junk Hamilton covers a wide area from Oakville to Caledonia – check out what areas they cover as well as how to take advantage of this great service.
Please click here for more information about Just Junk.
Please click here for more information about RAHB Advantage.

May 30, 2018 | CREA/OREA/RECO News, DS |
The REALTOR® Action Network (RAN) is CREA’s online advocacy platform built exclusively for REALTORS®. RAN allows you to connect with your Member of Parliament (MP) so you can be the face of the local side of real estate in your area.
To make the most of the power of REALTORS® across the country, every REALTOR® has now been enrolled on RAN!
To be matched up with your MP, all you need to do is go to the REALTOR® Action Network site to update your profile with your home postal code – go to www.realtoractionnetwork.com. Please note: you will need to sign in to REALTOR Link® to reach the REALTOR® Action Network page.

May 30, 2018 | DS, RAHB News |

We extend a warm welcome to RAHB’s newest members who joined the association between April 25 and May 29, 2018!
Fazl Molana
James Tilbury
Ambitious Realty Advisors Inc.
Peter Milovanovic
Apex Results Realty Inc.
Leah Li
Bay Street Group Inc.
Crystal Curran
Vijay Balakrishnan
Dave Pitblado
Century 21 Dreams Inc.
Jennifer Dodds
EXP Realty of Canada Inc.
Geza Major
Farah Behnam
Gary Tiwana
Keller Williams Complete Realty
Savvy Tinna
David Abboud
Keller Williams Edge Realty
Bashar A. Al Saigh
PC275 Elite
Amanda Billeci
Terri Chow
Fernando Caiella
Jennifer Syer
Voyo Zlojutro
Kiran Verma
RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc.
Jasmine Ancona
RE/MAX Escarpment Woolcott Realty Inc.
Yogendrasinh Chaudhari
Jason Humphries
Lisette Silva Stolp
Right At Home Realty Inc.
Jodie Bowen
Rockhaven Realty Inc.
Michael Di Berardo
Tamara Morales
Royal LePage Macro Realty
Alexandra Fritch
Marian Pona
Royal LePage State Realty
Khan Waqar
Royal LePage Terrequity
Alison Sutton
Zoocasa Realty Inc.
May 30, 2018 | DS, Matrix, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
At the end of June, the link to RAHB’s Statistics Information Management (SIM) link will be removed from your dashboard at my.rahb.ca.
But SIM is not disappearing! You can still access the program through the link in Matrix, which is now found as the second option under the Stats tab.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the RAHB MLS® department at 905.667.4650 or [email protected].
May 30, 2018 | DS, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
Due to a Matrix system upgrade, you will notice a change in how RAHB communicates with you when your listing has errors or violates an MLS® rule or policy.
When an error or violation occurs, you will be sent either an automated warning notice, fine notice or correction request. Your letter will come from the e-mail address [email protected].
In addition, your Broker of Record or Manager will also receive by e-mail a copy of the notice sent to you.
This system upgrade went live on Tuesday, May 29, 2018.

May 30, 2018 | DS, Member Services, MLS®, Stats & Technology, RAHB News |
You will soon see a new, easy-to-use and more personal member portal when you sign in to my.rahb.ca! The new portal will give you the ability to:
- immediately see details about your RAHB account – and you can pay right away!
- view a list of upcoming courses and see what courses for which you are already registered
- see a calendar with all meetings and courses
- edit some of your personal profile information
- perform a member search
- see RAHB notifications
- link to all the RAHB services/information as you do now
And all of this will be in one place!
The new member portal will be rolled out in two stages:
On Tuesday, June 12, you will be introduced to the new member portal when you log in to my.rahb.ca and use the link to education/account services. The link will take you to the new portal where you will easily see details about upcoming RAHB courses and information about your RAHB account. New: Brokers of Record and Managers will see additional information about their office accounts.
After the new member portal is introduced in education/account services, the member portal will become the new Single Sign On (SSO) landing page at my.rahb.ca. It will look similar to what you will have seen for education/account services, but will also include the icons with links to the REALTOR® Tools, RAHB News & Membership Services and REALTOR® Resources you see now at my.rahb.ca. This will be your gateway to Matrix, WEBForms® and other resources.
The new member portal will give you easier access to your RAHB account, your personal profile, and registration for professional development courses while still providing links to other RAHB resources. Watch for more details about the new member portal coming soon!
And there’s more exciting news!
Also coming soon: a new online Realty Shoppe, easily accessed through the new member portal. Details are still being finalized, so watch for more information!
May 16, 2018 | DS, MLS®, Stats & Technology |
Did you know that OREA Form #400, Agreement to Lease, can no longer be used as a residential lease?
As of April 30, 2018, all residential leases must be written up on the new Standard Form of Lease mandated by the provincial government. You may continue to use OREA Form #400, Agreement to Lease to set up the terms of the lease, but must then use the provincial standard form to formalize the lease.
For more information, visit www.orea.com – click on Resources and Forms, then Standard Forms & Clauses under Standard Forms & Clauses (the menu on the left-hand side of the page), click on Q&As Lease FAQ (2018).
Find the new standard lease form by using the link in Matrix > Links > Pinned to Top or by clicking here.

May 15, 2018 | DS, Member Services, RAHB News |
Negotiations – Get the Deal Done! Expanded
with Cindy Pinkus
RAHB – McCullough Room
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $45 +HST
For more information and to register, contact Angela McArthur at [email protected] or 905.529.8101 x233.