Sep 17, 2019 | Matrix |
Currently when entering a residential listing in Matrix you have the option of selecting “Townhouse” or Attached Row”.
Effective Thursday, September 19, 2019 these two fields will be merged into one and renamed “Townhouse/ Row House”. This change will be reflected on all historical records, and will automatically update any of your Saved Searches and Auto Emails.
Should you have any questions, please call the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected].
Sep 3, 2019 | Matrix |
Please be advised that a change has been made to the announcement posted on September 20, entitled “New Matrix Features and Teams”.
It was stated that this would go live on October 1; however, Corelogic would like to defer this implementation date for further testing. A new date for implementation was not provided.
We will continue to work with Corelogic, and provide the new implementation date as soon as we are made aware.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please see below for the original communication.
The message below is sent on behalf of the RAHB MLS® Committee.
RAHB’s Board of Directors recently approved to have the following new features added in Matrix, effective Tuesday, October 1, 2019. [This date has been deferred. We will inform all members of the new date once it is made available.]
- “My Team Active Listings” link
If you belong to a team you can now have this additional link visible in the “My Listings” widget on the home page, which displays all your team’s listings.
- Team Names Appearing on Display Reports
If you belong to a team, your team name will display on all display reports. If members click on the team name, a list of all the team members will display.
- Market Share Report – Teams Only
Provides a link for teams to generate on the fly a Team Market Share report.
As always, if you have any questions about these new Matrix features, please contact the Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected].
Aug 27, 2019 | Matrix |
Recently, RAHB has been receiving complaints through the “Report Data Errors” link in Matrix regarding comments in the remarks – specifically remarks stating the “Buyer or Buyer’s Agent to verify specific information” with regards to room measurements, taxes, legal description, etc. These statements do not release the listing REALTOR® of any responsibility and accountability for the accuracy of any information contained in a MLS® listing.
The following is from RAHB’s MLS® Rules & Regulations:
Section 1 – MLS®, Sub-section 1.04 Responsibilities/ Penalties
(c) (i) The Listing Brokerage and the Listing REALTOR® are responsible for the accuracy and correctness of an MLS® Listing and for submitting the Listing Agreement to the Association as requested. The Listing Brokerage and the Listing REALTOR® are required to ensure that all information in the MLS® Listing provided to the Association, including, but not limited to, the District/Neighbourhood Code, Address (street and municipality), Property Type and the Tax Roll Number, is accurate and correct. All listings shall comply with the REALTOR® Code, the Act, the Bylaws of the Association, these Rules, and any other rule or regulation or policy of the Association.
Below is a Registrar’s Bulletin dated March 17, 2015 by Joseph Richer, Registrar of the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) on this subject:
Should you have any questions please call the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or e-mail [email protected].
Aug 20, 2019 | Matrix |
RAHB is pleased to announce that work has been ongoing to provide additional access to listing information from neighbouring Ontario Associations/Boards. As part of this work, RAHB has recently signed an agreement with the Ontario Collective group.
The Ontario Collective is comprised of Bancroft & Area Association of REALTORS®, Kawartha Lakes Real Estate Association Inc., London and St. Thomas Association of REALTORS®, North Bay Real Estate Board, Northumberland Hills Association of REALTORS®, Peterborough and The Kawarthas Association of REALTORS® Inc., Quinte & District Association of REALTORS® Inc., REALTORS® Association of Grey Bruce Owen Sound, Southern Georgian Bay Association of REALTORS®, The Lakelands Association of REALTORS®, Tillsonburg District Real Estate Board and Woodstock-Ingersoll & District Real Estate Board.
On Monday, August 26, 2019 all RAHB members were granted access to the Ontario Collective Matrix system through “IntraMatrix”. IntraMatrix can be easily accessed through the Matrix top menu by clicking on the “IntraMatrix” tab.

IntraMatrix provides RAHB members the following functions:
- Enter contacts
- Create auto e-mails
- Create saved searches
- Search, print and e-mail listings
- Prepare a CMA
- Search property history
- Create Matrix statistical reports
*Please note*
IntraMatrix brings you into a separate Matrix system. This means your contacts, saved searches, auto e-mails, CMAs and cart information from RAHB’s Matrix system will not be available in the Ontario Collective system. The information you create will be unique to each specific system.
While working with any listings on the Ontario Collective system some differences to keep in mind are:
- Statuses
- In addition to the “Sold” status, there is a “Leased” status when a listing has been leased.
- “Conditional” statuses are not broken out as “CS” – conditionally sold, or “CN” – no more showings, as is in the RAHB Matrix.
- Listing Reports
- RAHB Matrix reports were customized based on member feedback and may appear slightly different in IntraMatrix.
- My Listings
- Your listings within the “My Listings” widget on the RAHB Matrix will not be visible when you view the “My Listings” widget in IntraMatrix
There is a phone number listed at the top of Intramatrix (AnswerLink Support), which is only available to Ontario Collective users. If you have any questions, please contact the RAHB MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or [email protected].
Aug 13, 2019 | Matrix |
Matrix upgraded on Wednesday, August 21 at 2:30 a.m.
The upgrade included a new feature titled “Reorder Search Results Using Drag and Drop”. This new feature in the search results screen allows users to manually reorder rows using drag & drop. There will be a “Drag & Drop” handle icon in the left-most column of display grids. To use the feature, users will click and hold on this icon, then drag the highlighted row to desired location, the release. Printed reports, e-mails and export will use the manually sorted order.

- Drag & Drop is only supported in grids, it is not supported in Single-Line displays
- Clicking on a column header will override manually sorted rows
- CMA Comparable tab supports Drag & Drop for manual sorting. Note: When the CMA button is pressed in Search Results – that sort order is nor carried over to the CMA Comparable tab
- Driving Directions will not use manual sort order, Directions will automatically calculate shortest route between addresses, however you can reorder properties within the Directions screen
- Drag & Drop is not supported in Matrix Mobile
- Drag & Drop may not be supported on some mobile and tablet devices in Full Desktop mode
- Drag handles are only visible when all results fit on a single page. Drag handles will be hidden when more than one page of results are displayed. Users have the option to display more rows on a single page usually up to 100 rows (sometimes more) by changing the Display n per page. Manually reordering result sets on multiple pages of results is not supported.
May 14, 2019 | Matrix |
On Monday, May 20 at 2 a.m. Matrix is being upgrade to version 8.3.10. There is expected to be about 15 minutes of downtime. Featured changes include:
Print to PDF Map update – issues causing timeouts when interactive maps where printed to PDF have been resolved
Portal links – portal links in emails were incorrectly taking the user to the map or list rather than individual listing, that has been resolved.
Email button – When sending an email from Matrix, the Send button could be clicked multiple times resulting in duplicate copies of the email being sent.
The Send button now becomes disabled immediately when clicked to prevent this.
To read the complete release notes, please click the button below.
Complete Release Notes
Apr 9, 2019 | Matrix |
On Wednesday, April 10 at midnight, Matrix will upgrade to 8.3.8 which will cause 15 minutes of downtime to the system.
New features will include:
- Drag and drop search results reordering
- Results will display listings in same order as entered in speed bar
- Print Listing notes option
- Multiple carts can be created for a single contact
Other enhancements include:
- Criteria tab is enabled after using Refine–>Narrow tool
- Client portal remembers user’s last mode
- Various widget enhancements
- Driving directions now available in concierge approval screen and My Listings
- Photograph upload certification
Apr 2, 2019 | Matrix |
Attention Brokers of Record: did you know you can send messages within your Brokerage through Matrix? This even includes office administrative staff!
If you would like to utilize this feature, simply follow these instructions:
- Log into Matrix
- Hover over the blue Admin tab
- Under News and Calendar click Manage News
- To add a news item to your Brokerage, click Add
- Enter the Start Date
- Enter the Subject
- Enter the Expires date
- Select the Priority
- Type in the message you want. You may adjust the font size, style and colour
- Click Add to make the message live
If you have any questions regarding this feature, please contact the MLS® Support Desk at 905.667.4650
Mar 8, 2019 | Matrix |
If you’ve ever needed a better understanding as to what the seller instructions are for the Martix Listing Load, below are clear instructions.

Feb 27, 2019 | Matrix, RAHB News |
RAHB has received numerous complaints regarding missing property history. Matrix uses multiple fields to match properties, and if all of these fields do not match, the property history will not appear. Please be mindful of RAHB’s MLS® Rules & Regulations and Policies regarding listing accuracy, listed below:
Rules and Regulations, Section 2 – MLS® Listings, Sub-section 2.05 states:
The Listing Brokerage and Listing REALTOR® are responsible for the accuracy of all information submitted by the Listing Brokerage to the Association’s MLS® System, whether Board Loaded or Broker Loaded.
RAHB’S MLS® Policies:
- That listings on all property types (including farms and vacant land), whether in town or out of town, shall show the address as per the street table and the address specifies on of the following:
- City;
- Town;
- Township;
Jan 22, 2019 | Matrix |
Three new forms pertaining to VOW’s are now uploaded and available to all members. The forms are found in Matrix under the Links tab and under the heading RAHB (see photo). The forms are titled RAHB RETS 3rd Party Agreement Form, RAHB Member VOW Contract and RAHB Seller VOW Opt-Out Form.

Oct 30, 2018 | Matrix |
When you search for active listings in Matrix or set up an auto e-mail for a client, are you including both the Active and Active CS statuses in your criteria?
Active CS listings are listings with conditional sales, including conditions with an escape clause. Until these listings are reported as sold, they are still active and will, in fact, continue to appear on Including Active CS-status listings in your searches and auto e-mail criteria will ensure your listing matches include ALL active listings, and your clients won’t have to wonder why a listing shows up on but not in their e-mails from you.