After a recent review of RAHB Rule & Regulation, Section 10 – Advertising, Sub-section 10.04, the MLS® Committee and Board of Directors determined that due to increases in Boards and Associations participating in the interboarding process and data sharing, the rule is no longer relevant or applicable.
Therefore Section 10 – Advertising, Sub-section 10.04 as follows has been removed from RAHB’s Rules & Regulations:
10.04 Brokerages which list real estate on the Association’s MLS® System which is not located within the jurisdiction of the Association shall not, by sign or other advertisement in that outside area, indicate that such property is listed on the MLS® system of such other jurisdiction unless the Listing has been submitted and accepted by the board or association in whose jurisdiction the property is located, or such advertisement indicates specifically that the property is listed on the Association’s MLS® System
Should you have any questions, please contact the MLS® Help Desk at 905.667.4650 or email [email protected]