Listing Supplements in MatrixWhen you create your listing supplements, you should avoid using special characters – that is, anything other than numbers and letters – in the file name.

Many characters have special meanings to browsers and operating systems, so if you include them in a file name, a web browser may attempt to perform that function instead of opening the file.

So play it safe and avoid using these special characters:

  • #  (pound/hashtag/number sign)
  • %  (per cent)
  • &  (ampersand)
  • {  (left curly bracket)
  • }  (right curly bracket)
  • :  (colon)
  • \  (back slash)
  • @ (at sign)
  • <  (left angle bracket)
  • >  (right angle bracket)
  • “  (double quotes)
  • *  (asterisk)
  • ?  (question mark)
  • /  (forward slash)
  •     (blank spaces)
  • $  (dollar sign)
  • !  (exclamation point)
  • ‘  (single quote/apostrophe)

Some additional considerations:

  • Don’t start or end your file name with a space, period, hyphen or underline
  • Keep your file names to a reasonable length
  • Avoid using spaces; use a hyphen instead

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our MLS® Help Desk at (905).667.4650 or [email protected].