Staff Profiles – Meet Rosanne and Sherry

Rosanne Horansky

Rosanne is RAHB’s Instructional Designer, Lead Trainer and Documentation Specialist.  She writes and instructs RAHB’s MLS® & IT courses and creates and updates computer course handouts.  Rosanne also maintains the notices on Message of the Day (MOD), creates and maintains MLXchange and Fusion resource links and updates the over-200 MLXchange/Fusion reports.  Rosanne also works on special projects in the IT area.

Rosanne joined RAHB as a receptionist back when listings were printed on perforated paper and stored in steel filing cabinets, about five executive officers ago.  After taking time to start her family, Rosanne returned to RAHB and took on the position of MLS® Supervisor and then moved into the IT department.


Sherry Lloyd

Sherry works in RAHB’s MLS® department where she receives MLS® calls and questions about MLS® Rules and Regulations and policies, processes interboard and access listings, checks listings/revisions and updates the street list and maps. Sherry also acts as back-up for the reception desk.

Sherry’s first stint with RAHB was right out of high school – she helped for the summer, entering sales, conditional sales, expired listings and other information into large journals.  After time spent at a different job, Sherry returned to RAHB and worked in the MLS® department for 13 years.  Sherry then moved on to reception where she spent seven years answering calls, taking care of mail and miscellaneous MLS® duties.  Two years ago Sherry moved into the MLS® department, where where she is today.

Please note:
Staff photos do not appear on RAHB blog just in the PDF version of REALinfo.

Governance Corner – February 2012

by Cameron Nolan, 2012 President

Members’ Rights

At a membership meeting last year, a motion was made and passed that the square footage field be removed from listing information forms. Of the 188 members at the meeting, 101 voted in favour of the motion and thus it was passed.

Staff Profiles – Meet Nancy and Maggie

Many members speak to RAHB staff over the phone or by email, but have never met them.  As a way of putting a face to a name, we will be introducing all RAHB staff over the next few months and telling you a bit about what they do.

Nancy Duce
Nancy is RAHB’s Manager, Member Products/Councils.  She is staff liaison for the Membership Area Representation Committee (MARC), the Burlington Council and the Regional Commercial Council (RCC).    She also oversees the functions of the RAHB Print Services department and the Realty Shoppe, which includes scheduling, ordering paper supplies, liaising with and setting up new suppliers, and ordering products and business forms for resale in the Shoppe.  Nancy is also responsible for special projects such as RAHB map updates and MLS® form updates.

Nancy has been with RAHB since 1978.  She started by assisting in the Print Services area. This was back in the days when RAHB members were obliged to receive dailies and we had our own pre- and post-production equipment, including an offset press.  Nancy remained in Print Services, working her way up.  The digital age brought tremendous changes to the graphic arts business, and these changing times and technologies brought changing responsibilities.  So what have the years taught her?  That change is an inevitable fact of life, and learning is a lifelong process.


Maggie Inglis
Maggie is RAHB’s Computer Graphic Designer.  Maggie has been with RAHB the longest of all staff employees.  She is the one who designs all the graphic components of every RAHB brochure, flyer, manual, sign, poster, graph, certificate, advertisement, newsletter and anything else that goes out of the RAHB office.  Maggie ensures that all RAHB branding appears as it should on all our printed and online materials.  She also works with outside graphics to make them work for RAHB.  Given her many artistic talents, it may come as a surprise that Maggie is also our internal handy person and is the keeper of the tools we might need around the office.

Maggie started with RAHB in 1975 in the information centre, typing conditional sales on MLS® listings.  From that position, she moved to the Print Services department and oversaw it’s day to day operations.  She did a temporary stint in the Computer department and from there started digitizing MLS® house photos for the image downloading system (IDS) for half the day and desktop publishing for the other half.  When the demands for desktop publishing and computer graphic design became greater, Maggie started designing full time, and that is where she uses her considerable talents today.


Please note:  Staff photos do not appear on RAHB blog just in the PDF version of REALinfo.

Meet your 2012 Board of Directors


Cameron Nolan, President
An eight-year member, Cameron is a Broker with RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc., Brokerage.  Entering his fifth year as a Director, Cameron has served as served as Chair of Finance, Governance, MLS® & IT, Communications and Bylaw committees, and as a member of Governance Task Force, CEO Performance Review Task Force, Government Relations, Finance, Building Task Force, Statistics Ad Hoc Committee, MLS® Open House Ad Hoc Committee, Honourary Life Committee and Honourary Life Task Force.

Cameron served on several significant local Boards including the Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton Entertainment & Convention Facilities Inc., Hamilton-Wentworth Housing Authority Chair and Canadian Mental Health Association (Hamilton-Wentworth). He volunteers extensively with diverse community organizations such as Alexander Park Baseball, Hamilton & District Baseball and United Way, and prepares, presents and does the voice work for the Hamilton-Halton Construction Hall of Fame award.  Cameron was a one-time candidate for municipal office.

Bruce Moran, President Elect

Bruce is the Broker of Record of Chase Realty Inc., Brokerage and has been a member of RAHB since 1986.  He has served as a member on the Communications Committee as well as on the Awards, MLS® Futures, Branding and Revenue vs Expense task forces.  Bruce chaired the MLS® & IT Committee and the Quality of Life task force.  Bruce was awarded the Volunteer of the Year award in 2003.

Bruce feels that volunteering in the association has allowed him to fully participate in the real estate industry and has given him a better understanding of how our association works; it also allows him to keep a closer eye on where the industry is going. Bruce enjoys ski trips with his family during the winter and time spent on his sail boat at Fifty Point in the summer.

Tim Mattioli, Vice President

Tim is a Salesperson with RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc., Brokerage and has been a member since 1987.  Tim has served on the Regional Commercial Council and has been a member of the Charity Auction, Honorary Life, Lease Review and Quality of Life task forces.  He also chaired the Government Relations Committee and was the RCC appointee to the Board of Directors.  Tim sat as a member of the Hamilton Business Leaders in 2010 and 2011 and the Hamilton Round Table on Grow Ops.

Volunteering is important to Tim; he realized that it is important to give back and found that helping others becomes addictive.  He believes that the association will only be as strong as the people who step up to keep it moving forward.  Tim enjoys spending time with this three grown sons and new grandson.  He has tried sky diving and whitewater rafting and last year became an avid motorcyclist, touring around the province with friends and other REALTORS®.

Ann Forbes Arndt, Past President
Ann has been a REALTOR® for 21 years and is a Broker with Homelife Macro Realty Inc., Brokerage.  She has served as a member of the Professional Standards, Bylaw, Finance and MARC committees and as Chair of MARC and Finance.  She has also been a member of the Governance, Honorary Life, Director Recognition and Community Bike Ride task forces.  In 2005, Ann was named Volunteer of the Year.

Ann is a member of the Coaching Association of Canada and the Ontario Coaches Association, and has a Level 3 in the National Coaching Certification program.

Donna Bacher

Donna joined RAHB in 1983 and is a Broker with Royal LePage State Realty, Brokerage.  Donna has been a member of the Sales Division, Professional Standards, Discipline, Arbitration and Government Relations committees.

Donna served as a director for the Ontario Goat Breeders Association and as a Founding Members’ Association Rep to the Toronto Livestock Land Development Board from 2001-2003. She is a supporter/sponsor for the Hamilton Hornets Ladies’ Rugby team and a volunteer for Big Brothers/Big Sisters in Hamilton.  An active aviator, Donna holds a Canadian Private Pilots license and is currently completing Canadian Commercial Pilots license requirements.

Dan Gies

Dan has been a RAHB member since 1984 and is Broker of Record of Ken Gies Real Estate Limited, Brokerage.  This is Dan’s second time as a Director; he served on the Board of Directors from 1998 to 2004 and as RAHB President in 2003.  Dan has been a member of the MLS® & IT, Bylaw, Professional Standards, Legislation, Professional Development, Finance and Communications committees, chaired the Finance Committee, Awards Task Force and Statistics Subcommittee and has participated on many task forces and subcommittees.  Dan received the Award of Merit in 2009.

Dan sat on CREA’s Board of Directors from 2008-2010 and has been a director on CREA’s MLS® and Technology Council since 2004.  He has been volunteering for over 20 years and still enjoys it as much today as when he sat on his first committee.  Dan says “there are some great people in this profession across the country and volunteering is a great way to get together with them and share ideas.”

Bill Lawson
Bill is no stranger to the RAHB Board of Directors as he served as a Director from 1997-98 and is now in his second term on his second time around.  He has been a RAHB member since 1978 and was awarded a long service award in 2002.  Bill has served as a member on the Burlington Council and on the Election, Information Technology, Building and MLS® & IT committees; the Purchaser Agency, MLS® Interconnectivity, Christmas Auction, RECO and Quality of Life task forces; as well as on the MLS® Open House and Statistics ad hoc committees.  Bill chaired the Bylaw Committee and the RECO and Agency task forces.

Brenda McKinley
A member since 2001, Brenda is Broker of Record of Keller Williams Edge Realty, Brokerage.  She has been a member of the Finance, Professional Development, Professional Standards and Bylaw committees, the Buyer Registry and Quality of Life task forces and the Residential Forms ad hoc committee.  Brenda chaired the Burlington Council.

Brenda says that it is important to her to volunteer because she gains insight into the operations of the association and “best practices” of other members, and they have helped her to do a better job as a REALTOR®.  She enjoys travelling to Florida with her husband and spending time with her two grown sons, who live nearby.

Sean Morrison
Sean has been a member of RAHB since 2006 and works with Royal LePage State Realty, Brokerage.  During his time with RAHB, he served on both the Professional Development and Bylaw committees prior to being elected to the Board of Directors.

In addition to his work in real estate, Sean volunteers with the Rotary Club of Burlington and serves on another board of directors for R.A.S.A.R, a local charity. Giving back to the community and to the real estate industry is important to him.  Sean has a sincere hope to help to improve  two-way communication with the membership, explore and expand on new ideas brought forward and help empower every REALTOR® in RAHB to succeed in 2012.  Outside the office, Sean loves sports and has been involved with rugby most of his adult life, having played for 18 years on five teams in three countries.

Gloria Payton

Gloria is another of our Directors who has previously served on the Board of Directors (1995-2000).  In her 26 years of membership, Gloria has been a part of the Bylaw, Finance, MARC, Discipline, Professional Standards, Professional Development, Public Relations, Computer, Law Liaison, MLS® and Member Services committees and chaired the Arbitration Committee and Sales Division.  She has served on numerous task forces and ad hoc committees and chaired the RECO and Agency task forces.

Gloria has especially enjoyed teaching the RAHB New Members’ Orientation course for over 15 years.  She feels that we are “arguably one of the finest boards in all of Canada” and is proud to call our Board home.

Jenny Pearce

Jenny has been a member of the association since 2004 and is a Salesperson member with Judy Marsales Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage.  She has been a member of RAHB’s Regional Commercial Council since 2008, served as Chair-elect in 2011, and is the RCC appointee to the 2012 Board of Directors.

Jenny’s extensive business and financial background working in organizations as diverse as ScotiaMcLeod, Opera Hamilton, Theatre Aquarius and the Chemical Bank have given her a strong basis for the commercial real estate field.   Jenny’s hobbies include playing piano, reading, tennis, swimming and snowboarding.

Bob Van de Vrande
Bob is the Broker of Record of Sutton Group Results Realty Inc., Brokerage and has been a RAHB member since 1988.  Bob has served on the MLS® and Discipline committees and the Charity Give Back, Report Solds and Lonnie Bushey task forces.

Beyond real estate sales and investment, Bob enjoys attending karate and hockey games and travelling, particularly to tropical destinations, with his son Nicholas and Nicholas’s brother Tyler.  Bob has a passion for education, having earned Bachelor of Commerce and M.B.A. degrees from McMaster University and more recently a Bachelor of Education from Brock University.  He was elected as a trustee of Halton Catholic District School Board for 10 years and has previously served as Chair of the board.  Bob’s special interest is gifted education and he has worked to promote educational options in this area.  Bob has been an active member of St. Patrick parish in Burlington for more than 40 years and is President of Project Maranatha for Youth, a charity promoting youth leadership and pro-life issues within the Catholic and broader community.  Bob’s hobbies include reading, swimming, travelling and stamp collecting.


Staff Profiles – Meet Kim and Kathy

Kim Sanders

Kim is the Association’s Manager of Corporate Services and is responsible for financial matters, human resources and the RAHB building and tenants plus oversees education, membership and accounting.  She is also the privacy officer for the association.

Involvement with REALTORS® runs in Kim’s family; her father George Sanders entered the real estate profession in 1949.  Kim joined RAHB in 1984 as a stripper – yes, a stripper; you will have to ask Kim for more details – in the MLS® department.  She moved on to the membership department before taking on accounting duties for the association.  During her early days in accounting, Kim was also responsible for planning golf tournaments, the annual Christmas party and long service awards.  Kim was involved in the move to and renovation of RAHB’s current home at 505 York Blvd.  She remembers something about wading through UFFI ….


Kathy Rubio

Kathy Rubio is RAHB’s Member Products/Councils Assistant.  She supports MARC, the Burlington Council and the Regional Commercial Council (RCC) and is the staff contact for RCC membership enquiries and REALTrack appointments.  Kathy also provides support to Print Services and the Realty Shoppe.

Kathy has been at RAHB off-and-on since 1982.   She started in print services and worked through several jobs in that area before moving to the member services department three years ago.  Kathy enthusiastically enjoys the challenges that come from working with her committee and councils and especially enjoys working on the events planned by MARC and the councils.  Kathy says that her years of member service have taught her great values and have given her the opportunity to engage with many RAHB members, many of whom helped her grow personally and professionally.


Please note:  Staff photos do not appear on RAHB blog just in the PDF version of REALinfo.

MLS® Update

Refresher:  Entering Sales and Leases

The MLS® department has been receiving many questions about how to enter sales that have been sold by a salesperson who is not a member of RAHB and about how to enter leases.  The following MLS® Policies provide clear instructions for reporting these sales and leases:

President’s Appreciation and Awards Gala – Oh, What a Night!

Over 500 dignitaries, special guests and RAHB members partied the night away at the annual President’s Appreciation and Awards Gala on Saturday, January 22.  The Gala was hosted by 2010 RAHB president Joe Ferrante to thank and recognize volunteers; induct 49 members into the 25-year long service club, four members into the 40-year club and three into the 50-year club; and present honourary life memberships to two former RAHB presidents.


George Thomas provided lively entertainment throughout the evening, and the dance floor was rarely empty.

RAHB 2011 Board of Directors

Ann Forbes Arndt, President
Ann has been a REALTOR® for 20 years, and is a Broker with Homelife Macro Realty Inc., Brokerage.  She has served as a member of the Professional Standards, Bylaw, Finance and MARC committees and  served as chair of both MARC and Finance.  She has also been a member of the Governance, Honorary Life, Director Recognition and Community Bike Ride task forces.  In 2005, Ann was awarded Volunteer of the Year. Ann is a member of the Coaching Association of Canada and the Ontario Coaches Association, and has a Level 3 in the National Coaching Certification Program.

Cameron Nolan, President-Elect
A seven-year member, Cameron is a Broker with RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc., Brokerage. Entering his fourth year as a Director, Cameron served on the Finance & Government Relations committees, as chair of the By-Law, Communications and MLS® & IT committees, and is chair of the Governance Task Force. He also served on several subcommittees.  He volunteers in many other organizations and has served on several significant not for profit boards.  Cameron has been involved in many and diverse activities, including coaching house league baseball for over 20 years; preparing, presenting and doing the voice work for the Construction Hall of Fame awards and running as a candidate for municipal office.  Cameron enjoys golf, camping, and raising his children. 

Bruce Moran, Vice-President
Bruce is the Broker of Record of Chase Realty Inc., Brokerage and has been a member of RAHB since 1986.  He has served as a member on the Communications Committee as well as on the Awards, MLS® Futures, Branding and Revenue vs Expense task forces.  Bruce chairs the Quality of Life task force.  Bruce was awarded the Volunteer of the Year Award in 2003.  Bruce feels that volunteering in the Association has allowed him to fully participate in the real estate industry and has given him a better understanding on how our Association works; it also allows him to keep a closer eye on where the industry is going.  Bruce enjoys ski trips with his family during the winter and time spent on his sail boat at Fifty Point in the summer.

Joe Ferrante, Past President
Broker of Record of Royal LePage State Realty, Brokerage, Joe has been a member of RAHB since 1995.  Joe has served as a member on the Building, Government Relations, Finance, Professional Standards and Elections committees and on the Buyers Registry and Scholarship Selection task forces.  He has also chaired the MLS® & IT committee.

Jim Duschl
Jim is a Salesperson member with RE/MAX Garden City Realty Inc., Brokerage and has been a member of RAHB since 1987.  Jim is continuing “round two” on the Board of Directors; he served from 1995-2001 and from 2007 to the present.  Jim has served as a member on the Building, Unification and Legislation committees and the Burlington Council, and chaired the Professional Development committee and the Burlington Council.  He has served on the Golf Tournament and RECO task forces and on the Regional Commercial Council.  Jim is also a long-time volunteer drive for the Flamborough Red Cross (over 21 years) and has been a member of the Waterdown & District Lions Club for 23 years.  In his spare time, he likes to travel, golf, fish, garden and collect different sports memorabilia.

Keltie Law
Keltie has been a member of the association since 1992 and is a Salesperson member with Royal LePage State Realty, Brokerage.  Keltie has been a member of the Discipline and Finance committees and chaired the Bylaw and Professional Development committees.  Keltie volunteers on the Board as she feels it is important to help the organization that helps her to earn a living.  She is very interested in the activities of the association, so even finds it fun!  Keltie also volunteers on the Catholic Children’s Aid Board, is a committee member of the Breast Assessment Centre and is an ambassador for Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital.  In the little bit of spare time that she has, Keltie enjoys cottage life and golfing in the summer and skiing in the winter.

Bill Lawson
Bill is no stranger to the RAHB Board of Directors; he formerly served as a Director from 1997-98.  He has been a RAHB member since 1978 and was awarded a long service award in 2002.  Bill has served on the Burlington Council and on the Election, Information Technology, Building, MLS® & Technology and MLS® & IT committees; the Purchaser Agency, MLS® Interconnectivity, Christmas Auction and RECO task forces; as well as on the MLS Open House and Statistics ad hoc committees.  He was Chair of the RECO task force and the Agency task force.

Ron Leaist
Ron joined RAHB in 1989 and is a Broker at Coldwell Banker Pinnacle Real Estate, Brokerage.  He has served as a member on the United Way, Professional Development, Discipline, MLS® & Technology, MLS® & IT and Professional Standards committees.  He has also been a member of the Member Services and Member Advertising task forces and the MLS® Policies ad hoc committee.

Tim Mattioli
Tim is a Salesperson with RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc., Brokerage and has been a member since 1987.  Time has served on the Regional Commercial Council and has been a member of the Charity Auction, Honourary Life, Lease Review and Quality of Life task forces.  He has also chaired the Government Relations committee and was the RCC appointee to the Board of Directors.  He sat as a member of the Hamilton Business Leaders in 2010.  Tim is also a member of the Hamilton Round Table on Grow Ops.  Volunteering is important to Tim; he realized that it is important to give back and found that helping others becomes addictive.  He believes that the association will only be as strong as the people who step up to keep it moving forward.  Tim enjoys working around the house and yard, spending time with his three grown sons, and alpine skiing.  He has tried sky diving and whitewater rafting and this year hopes to get his motorcycle license.

Brenda McKinley
A Salesperson member since 2001, Brenda is with Royal LePage Burloak Real Estate Services, Brokerage.  She has been a member of the Professional Development, Professional Standards and Bylaw committees, the Buyer Registry task force and the Residential Forms ad hoc committee.  Brenda says that it is important to her to volunteer because she gains insight into the operations of the Board and “best practices” of other members, and they have helped her to do a better job as a REALTOR®.  She enjoys travelling to Florida with her husband and spending time with her two grown sons, who live nearby.

Paul Szostak
Paul is the Broker of Record of Red Carpet Stak Realty Inc., Brokerage and has been a RAHB member since 2003.  Paul served on the Regional Commercial Council and is the RCC appointee to the 2011 Board of Directors.  He also served as a member on the Discipline committee.

Larry Szpirglas
Larry is a Broker Manager with Judy Marsales Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage and has been a member since 2001.  He has served on the Regional Commercial Council and on the Lease Review, Quality of Life and Governance task forces.  Larry also chaired the Communications and Government Relations committees.  Larry believes that as an individual in a profession, giving back to that profession is important, and the way he chooses to give back is through charitable events and participating on the Board of Directors.