RAHB’s Awards and Appreciation Gala was an evening to celebrate members for their long-standing membership in RAHB, for serving on RAHB committees and task forces in 2017 and for going above and beyond to serve their association and their community.
The Gala took place on Saturday, January 20 at Michelangelo Event Venue and Conference Centre.
RAHB volunteers
RAHB President Jack Loft recognized Donna Bacher and Andrew Robertson, the two Directors who completed their terms on the RAHB Board of Directors at the end of 2017.
He also recognized the 94 members who served on RAHB committees, task forces and the Board of Directors in 2017.
RAHB Service Awards
President Jack Loft and Awards Task Force Chair Stacey Adamson presented two RAHB service awards to very deserving members.
Donna Bacher (PureRealty Brokerage) received the RAHB Award of Merit for exceptional dedication and service to RAHB and the real estate profession.
Donna has been a member of RAHB for 34 years, and has a long history of serving as Chair and member of RAHB committees and task forces, as well as joint task forces with other organizations. She was elected to the RAHB Board of Directors in 2012 and served as President of the Association in 2015.
Donna is well known as a highly engaged member of the Association, and she actively encourages other members to become involved as well. Her videos promoting RAHB events and meetings are legendary among members. Often acting as a mentor to new directors and to other members, Donna unselfishly gives of her time for the betterment of the RAHB membership and the Association.
Jim Duschl (RE/MAX Real Estate Centre Inc.) received the RAHB Outstanding Community Service Award, which recognizes a member who has shown outstanding dedication to the real estate profession and exceptional volunteer service to his community.
Jim is a 30-year member of RAHB who has served on the RAHB Board of Directors and on the Regional Commercial Network. He is known for always making time to assist and share his knowledge with other REALTORS® and with clients.
Jim has been a volunteer driver for the Red Cross for 30 years and continues to help transport the elderly and others to their medical appointments. As well, Jim has been an active member of the Lion’s Club for 28 years; having served as President, he now holds the office of Treasurer. The Lion’s Club actively raises funds for organizations such as Heart & Stroke, Red Cross, Good Shepherd and the Children’s Wish Foundation for the benefit of the community. Jim has also served on the Union Street Cemetery Board.

Jim Duschl awarded Outstanding Community Service Award | Donna Bacher awarded Award of Merit
Long Service awards
Long service pins were presented to the newest members of the Long Service Club. Twenty-five members reached the 25-year milestone, 14 reached the 40-year milestone, five members logged 50 years of RAHB membership and one member – Tony DeSantis – has been a member for 60 years.
Check out the photos of the Long Service award recipients who attended the Gala:

25-Year Recipients (left – right): Craig Bush, Ann Brownlee, Sandra Collura, Christine Crooks, John Chun

25-Year Recipients (left – right): Todd Martin, Rick Nishizaki, Diana Gallacher, Paul Smith, Gary Nusca

25-Year Recipients (left – right): Frank Taylor, Cathy Toriello, Debbie Mitchell, Tibor Olah

40-Year Recipients (left – right): Edwin Alexander, Joseph Castellano, Ed Cooper, Dennis Petis

40-Year Recipients (left – right): Dave Vansickle, Frank Angelone, Ralph Tessaro, Brent Rinehart

40-Year Recipients (left – right): Frank Loncaric, Ralph Frisina, Jerry Rojenko

50-Year Recipients (left – right): Robert Kronas, Larry Chettle, Bill Lawrence