What harm can a plant or two – or four – do?
If the plant is marijuana and it is being grown indoors, as will likely be allowed by pending federal legislation, the answer may be “plenty”. Growing marijuana indoors can lead to the growth of mold and fungus, which can pose serious health risks for anyone living in the property. These effects are not limited to massive grow ops; with the suggested maximum of four plants, the light and heat from the lamps needed by the plants can cause dangerous levels of mold and fungus.
This is a serious issue for REALTORS® who will be called on to list or sell properties which may be damaged by marijuana grown either legally (once legislation is approved) or illegally.
The Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) developed a five-point Action Plan for Cannabis Legalization for the Province to consider as it decides how to manage legalized marijuana. The recommendations in the plan focus on the effects of indoor marijuana plants on homes, home owners and home buyers, and includes proposals for dealing with illegal grow operations as well as legal plants. OREA unveiled their plan at a press conference at Queen’s Park on Monday, April 9, 2018.
Please visit www.ProtectOntarioHomes.ca to learn all about OREA’s Action Plan for Cannabis Legalization, the issues with growing marijuana indoors, and how you can support OREA’s plan by writing to your MPP.
Click here to watch OREA’s announcement at Queen’s Park on Monday, April 9, 2018.
Cancel legalization, the whole thing is insanity!!
Does cannabis itself give off mold/fungus? What if someone has the exact same set up (same room, same lights, same everything) but grows tomatoes/peppers/ any other plant? Would it not cause the same damage to the home?