Q:  What are some of the options to access Fusion and/or listing data from a mobile device?

A:  All current solutions are built around the concept of remote access.  These solutions are generally used to get around the user’s lack of Adobe Flash, which isn’t supported by today’s mobile devices.  Fortunately, some software developers have come up with options.  While these solutions work well technically, they may be less than ideal for everyday use as a business tool because they provide you with only a mirror of what you would see on a desktop or a laptop; they are not interface-optimized for a mobile device.  This might be ideal when you need some information only available via Fusion or you need to make a minor listing adjustment and you are not near a computer, but would not be so ideal if you are looking to load a full listing.

The following software solutions will work on mobile devices:

Puffin Web Browser

Apple AppStore

Android Google Play Market


FUSION Experience

Apple AppStore

Android Google Play Market

The future does look much better!  CoreLogic has been working on a native mobile application with large mobile application developer ‘DoApp’ to deliver a proper mobile solution for FUSION.  DoApp has already developed the first generation of this solution for some of Corelogic’s largest clients independently.  This application will be the foundation for Corelogic’s mobile platform which they will deliver to all clients.  If you would like a preview of what to expect, the first generation apps are currently available on the Apple Appstore and Google Play Market:

Apple Appstore

Sandicor MobileMLS

MLS Source MobileMLS

Tulsa MobileMLS


Android Google Play Market

Sandicor MobileMLS

MLS Source MobileMLS

Tulsa MobileMLS

RAHB also has a solution which we developed in-house for simple listing search/retrieval.  It uses the universal WEP mobile web protocol which can be used on most mobile devices that provide access to the internet.  It can be accessed using your FUSION/MLXchange login credentials.  This application can also be shared with your clients after creating a personal login for them from within the application.  To use this application you can browse to the following URL on most mobile phones & browsers:


Another application recommendation for quick and easy mobile access to listing information is CREA’s REALTOR.ca Mobile application.  The iPad version of this application actually won an AppStore Editor’s Choice Award!  This application is ideal to provide to clients. A number of REALTORS® also use it as a convenient search and review tool while prospecting on behalf of clients.  It can be obtained on both the Apple Appstore and the Google Market or via the following URLs:

Apple Appstore iPhone

Apple Appstore iPad

Android Google Play Market