Attention REALTORS® who work and live in Burlington

Official Plan Update

The original timeline of the Burlington Official Plan has been delayed due to COVID-19. The policies will be released at the end of April and the Statutory Public Meeting will be scheduled for the fall.

Planning Applications

Regarding planning applications:

  • Development applications received by March 13, 2020, are currently being processed.
  • Inquires continue to be handled by Planning staff via phone and email.
  • Staff are exploring how new applications might be accepted and processed.
  • No Pre-application public meetings will be held at this time, including Millcroft Green, and will be re-scheduled at a later date.

The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) has suspended all LPAT hearings scheduled to take place from March 16 until the end of June. The cancelled hearings will be rescheduled at a later date.

Building Permits and Inspections

Regarding building permits and inspections:

  • Building permit applications received by March 13, 2020, are currently being processed.
  • Staff has implemented a modified level of building inspections. Exterior building inspections continue and a modified process for interior inspections is in place that does not involve staff going into buildings and protects staff from physical contact in line with COVID-19 safety precautions.
  • Staff are exploring how new applications might be accepted and processed.

Business License Renewal

Existing business licenses that require renewal will be extended during the COVID-19 crisis.