You have questions, we have answers!

Q:  What are some of the options to access Fusion and/or listing data from a mobile device?

A:  All current solutions are built around the concept of remote access.  These solutions are generally used to get around the user’s lack of Adobe Flash, which isn’t supported by today’s mobile devices.  Fortunately, some software developers have come up with options.  While these solutions work well technically, they may be less than ideal for everyday use as a business tool because they provide you with only a mirror of what you would see on a desktop or a laptop; they are not interface-optimized for a mobile device.  This might be ideal when you need some information only available via Fusion or you need to make a minor listing adjustment and you are not near a computer, but would not be so ideal if you are looking to load a full listing. (more…)

Fusion Training Sessions

RAHB is developing new educational sessions about Fusion so members can prepare for the cutover to Fusion as RAHB’s sole MLS® system.  Courses will be two-hour live demonstrations of the primary – and most interesting – features of Fusion. (more…)

Little Bits

Stats Pro
Stats Pro is a module to Fusion which provides professional stats reporting.  The program will give members the ability customize MLS® statistics report with the level of detail they desire.  Members can also search for more general data to see what trends are emerging. (more…)

Shared database requires new policy

A joint RAHB/NAR MLS® committee reviewed the Access Agreement which existed prior to the shared MLS® database.  The Access Agreement was no longer necessary with the shared database, but there was a provision in the agreement which was not covered by either association’s MLS® Rules and Regulations or Policies, namely which association’s rules and regulations or policies were to be followed when a member takes a listing in the other association’s market area. (more…)

The latest BITS & BYTES is out!

Have you seen the newest issue of BITS & BYTES?  It has valuable information about:

  • the end date for MLXchange;
  • upcoming courses about Fusion;
  • updates on the CREA DDF™, a great new stats tool called Stats Pro and Scout remediation;
  • CMA in Fusion, including some great new features
  • and much more.

Read BITS & BYTES in the MLS® & IT section of REALTOR Link®, check for your office copy or watch your email inbox.