Nominations are now open for three RAHB Community Service Awards: Award of Merit, Volunteer of the Year and Outstanding Community Service.
Do you know a RAHB member who has demonstrated exceptional qualities, enthusiasm and perseverance or has gone above and beyond to serve their fellow members, and is currently serving on a RAHB committee or task force?
Nominate them for Volunteer of the Year!
Do you know a RAHB member who has demonstrated exceptional dedication and service to RAHB and who has contributed positively to the association for three or more years?
Nominate them for the Award of Merit!
Do you know a RAHB member who has shown outstanding dedication to the real estate industry and exceptional volunteer service to their community for three or more years?
Nominate them for the Outstanding Community Service Award!
Do you think you qualify for any of the three awards? Then “nominate” yourself!
Nominating others or applying for the award yourself is easy. Application/Nomination forms and Criteria sheets and are available online in the Membership Information section of REALTOR Link®.
Don’t delay – all applications/nominations must be received at the RAHB office no later than Friday, November 28, 2014.