Top Sheets & Dailies Archive Increased

From time to time, members have approached us to provide Top Sheets or Dailies which go beyond the two-week archive window.  This normally requires manual re-creation of the document.  To improve efficiency and to improve all members’ access to this information, we will be providing four weeks of Dailies and Top Sheets in the archive window.

MLS® Catalogues and MLS® Sold Catalogues to be Discontinued

We have been monitoring the utilization analytics for the MLS® Catalogues and MLS® Sold Catalogues available through the Catalogue links in MLXchange and Fusion. The analytics show that the demand for these publications has virtually disappeared as most members are now using Fusion or MLXchange to access this information via the Listing Search facility.  Using Listing Search in Fusion or MLXchange allows this information to be delivered real-time according to the member’s specific criteria.  As a result of this lack of demand, the Catalogue links have been removed from MLXchange and Fusion.

As always if you have any comments, questions, or concerns please email us at

Stats Pro

We are pleased to announce Corelogic’s next generation statistics package – Stats Pro – is now available to members.  Stats Pro delivers real-time statistical reporting and charting capabilities for any group of listing search results, making it easy for users to quickly analyze and understand their market.  There are a variety of reports to satisfy different needs.  Some of the highlights are:

  • Compile dynamic, real-time statistics and charts using any normal search query
  • View data trends and period comparisons by week, month, quarter and year with enhanced visuals and graphics
  • Analyze key performance and productivity metrics
  • Descriptive hover over text and glossaries on the reports
  • Save personalized views of system reports to your Personal Folder
  • Refresh and run reports directly from your History list
  • Export to PDF, Excel, Flash and other options, depending on report type

To access Stats Pro, please look for the ‘Fusion Stats Pro’ entry under the ‘Reports’ menu in Fusion or MLXchange.

As this is a preliminary release, we would greatly appreciate your comments, feedback, and any questions regarding this new system.

Please send your comments, feedback and questions to