Recommendations from the findings of the ICBL Land Use Study approved by Council.

On January 30, 2020, Burlington City Council approved the revised recommendations from the findings of the Interim Control Bylaw (ICBL) Land Use Study, including the approval of the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments resulting from the ICBL Land Use Study.

If no appeals are received, the ICBL will end on March 5, 2020.

The purpose of the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments is to:

  • Strengthen the integrations between land use and transit by introducing policies related to transit-supportive development;
  • Introduce the concept of Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) and a policy framework – MTSAs include the Burlington and Aldershot GO Stations, as well as the John Street Bus Terminal;
  • Introduce development criteria for development applications within the study area;
  • Update or add definitions to the Official Plan to align with provincial policy documents and assist in the interpretation of Official Plan policies; and
  • Introduce additional permitted use, height requirements and other policies on lands near the Burlington GO Station.

To review the timeline, actions and recommendations of the ICBL, as well as Council minutes and reports, please click the button below: