The annual election for the CREA Board of Directors will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2016 at the 2016 CREA Annual General Meeting in Ottawa. Any qualified REALTOR® who has an interest in serving as a Director of CREA is strongly encouraged to run for a position on the Board of Directors.
The following positions are open:
- Three Director-at-Large positions, each for a two-year term
- Four Regional Director positions, each for a two-year term, one from each of the following regions:
- Alberta/Northwest Territories
- Saskatchewan
- Ontario
- The Atlantic Region
Qualifications of Directors
- Be a REALTOR® member
- Have been a REALTOR® member for at least five years
- Have a minimum of three years experience as a director of a member real estate board or association
- Not be otherwise disqualified by the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act
- In the case of a Regional Director, be licensed in that region
The deadline for candidate submissions is Tuesday, January 19, 2016.
If you need further information, contact CREA’s General Counsel,
Bill Harrington, at 613-237-7111 or at [email protected], or go to
Director_Recruitment_Information.html/Fo to read more about
CREA’s vision, strategic leadership and accountability policies.