RAHB dues deadline September 30, 2014

The quarterly RAHB dues have been billed and e-mailed to you as part of your August monthly invoice.  Please note that dues are due and payable no later than September 30, 2014.  If payment is not received, suspension will be immediate as per RAHB Bylaw Article 4, Section 3, Sub-Section 3.01. (more…)

You were asking ….about electronic lock boxes

RAHB staff have been asked when electronic lock boxes will be stocked in the Realty Shoppe.  The answer:  they won’t.

The Board of Directors put forward a motion that RAHB adopt SentriLock electronic lock boxes and members voted on the motion at the May General Membership Meeting.  The motion was defeated, and the Board has accepted the members’ decision.  RAHB will no longer be pursuing electronic lock boxes.

Nominations for Honourary Life Membership now open!

The Honourary Life Award Task Force is accepting nominations for Honourary Life Membership. The candidate must be recognized as a leader in the real estate industry and have made a positive contribution to RAHB over a period of not less than ten years.

Full details and nomination forms are located on REALTOR Link® under Membership Information.

Deadline for nominations is Friday, November 7, 2014.

RAHB Town Hall Meetings

Mark your calendar now for TWO upcoming RAHB Town Hall meetings!

RAHB President Tim Mattioli and CEO Ross Godsoe will be in Dunnville and Burlington in October to bring updates on RAHB initiatives and to hear what you have to say!

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Grace United Church
301 Broad St. E.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tyandaga Golf & Country Club
1265 Tyandaga Park Drive

Both meetings
9 a.m. Registration/Continental breakfast
9:30 a.m. Meeting begins

Preliminary agenda:

  • Regional Shared MLS® System
  • Upcoming RAHB elections
  • Updates on issues
  • Member Comments/Questions

Be Engaged          *          Informed          *          Empowered

Member survey coming to you

RAHB will be conducting its biennial Member Survey in mid-September.  Plan to take part so we know how we can best serve you!  As an added incentive, you could win a great prize!

More information will be going out to all members by email.

MLS® in Brief

WEBForms® and Clauses

RAHB has received calls from members having a problem with WEBForms®, where clauses are not separated and run in a continuing sentence.

CREA has advised that this problem is experienced by members who run Windows XP and Internet Explorer 8.   CREA no longer supports either of the programs and Microsoft does not support Windows XP.  Upgrading your version of Windows should resolve the issue.