RAHB has three social media sites for members to join and participate in!

Facebook, LinkedIn – join our members-only groups and see what other members are talking about.  It’s easy – just go to the RAHB page on each site and ask to join; any member of RAHB is eligible.  If you haven’t joined the group yet, you’ve missed some interesting discussions about seasonally adjusted stats, comments on the Canadian real estate market by an American commentator and the new GeoWarehouse “Home Verified” program.   Members have also posted videos about moving to Hamilton and a 2010 prediction of a meltdown in the Canadian real estate market.

Google+ – we are using Google+ hangouts for broadcasting some RAHB member meetings – watch for invitations from us when there’s a meeting coming up!  You do have to have a Google+ account before you can join our page, so join now and be ready for your invitation.