Stepping Up
Very soon, RAHB will be putting out a call for volunteers.
When we talk about volunteers at RAHB, we are talking about members – members who make up the various committees and task forces that provide input and insights to the Board of Directors and CEO. We’re also talking about the individual Directors on the Board, because each Director is serving as a volunteer.
Volunteers are the backbone of our association and the work they do is invaluable.
All members are eligible to sit on a committee or task force to offer their expertise and opinions to make policy, plan events, recommend changes, enforce professional standards and much, much more … all on behalf of all members of the association.
Why volunteer?
Everyone has their own reasons for volunteering on a RAHB committee or task force:
- Networking
- Working with other members who care about the same things they do
- Helping the Board or CEO make decisions that will affect all members
- Supporting the association which provides the tools they need for their business
- Improving or changing services, or they have ideas for new services
- Having influence on decisions
Volunteers may not be paid for the work they do on a committee or task force, but there is compensation – personal satisfaction, new contacts and an invitation to attend the annual Appreciation and Awards Gala in January – RAHB’s way of saying “thank you” for everyone’s hard work.
“I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.” – Lily Tomlin
Find out more about the value of volunteering by watching this video
And when you see the invitation to volunteer on a RAHB committee or task force, be sure to put your name forward for this important work.