Donna Kirsch, a REALTOR® and Director of WinnipegREALTORS®, attended the Banff Western Connection where a speaker asked attendees to list awesome moments they had experienced as a REALTOR®.  Following is a list of Donna’s awesome moments.  Do they sound familiar?

RAMP (REALTORS® Awesome Moments Pinpointed) by Donna Kirsch, WinnipegREALTORS®

1.  Having a junior REALTOR® ask you for advice.

2.  Hitting all the green lights on your way to an appointment.

3.  Receiving a thank you card from a client.

4.  Not feeling well and realizing you don’t have to call in sick.

5.  Realizing the gas prices have gone down just as your tank reads empty.

6.  Having a lawyer take you to lunch.

7.  Running into a friend who claims they see you everywhere (when you have only one bus bench in the entire city).

8.  Calling a buyer to tell them their offer was accepted.

9.  Having a fellow REALTOR® copy you (what a compliment!).

10.  Congratulating a new REALTOR® on their first sale.

11.  Showing beautifully decorated homes during the holidays.

12.  When your phone rings and displays one of your favourite clients calling.

13.  Getting multiple offers on your listing.

14.  Arriving to fresh baked cookies at an open house.

15.  Receiving the call that indicates you are the only offer.

16.  Listing a FSBO.

17.  Being invited to your client’s house warming party.

18.  Seeing the first car show up at your open house.

19.  Shopping when the stores are not busy.

20.  Becoming friends with a REALTOR® from another company.

21.  Dropping your cell phone and realizing it still works.

22.  Arriving at a well prepared listing with features sheets, recent utility bills, warranties and upgrade dates and information.

23.  Having time to read a book at a slow open house.

24.  Having a banker ask you for more business cards.

25.  Plugging in your cell phone just before it is ready to die.

26.  Sleeping under the covers on a cold winter day with no boss calling to ask where you are.

27.  Learning something new from a client of a different country or nationality.

28.  Giving back to your community.

29.  Receiving a lower office bill than you expected.

30.  Finding out a past client has bragged about you to their friends, family and co-workers.

Do you have awesome moments you’d like to share?  Send them to Valerie at and we’ll publish them in future issues of REALINFO!

(This article appeared in WinnipegREALTORS® Relator. Reprinted with permission.)