RAHB Election draws closer

The Notice of Meeting for the upcoming RAHB election for 2015 Directors was emailed to each member on October 1.

The Notice of Meeting included information about the nomination process, a description of the skills desired in a Director, a nomination form and a schedule of events for the election.

Members are urged to carefully read through the package of information and to take advantage of the opportunities available to learn more about the RAHB election process (including changes that have taken place over the last two years) and to learn more about the candidates standing for election.

New this year!

  • An information session will be held for members who want to know more about being a Director
  • Voting members will have a chance to meet and speak with the candidates before the election meeting
  • Electronic voting will take place for three full days the week before the election

Learn more about the election at the upcoming Town Hall meetings and in an update from the President (to be sent the second week in October).

Plan to attend an upcoming RAHB Town Hall meeting!

Come out to hear what’s new at RAHB and bring your questions and comments about what’s new with you!

The agenda so far includes:

  • Upcoming RAHB election
  • Regional Shared MLS® System
  • Updates on issues/initiatives
  • Your questions/comments

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Grace United Church, 301 Broad Street E.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tyandaga Golf & Country Club, 1265 Tyandaga Park Drive

Both meetings
9 a.m. – Registration/Continental breakfast
9:30 a.m. – Meeting begins

Pre-registration is appreciated; please contact Kathy at 905.529.8101 x237 or kathyr@rahb.ca by Monday, October 20.

RAHB Town Hall Meetings

Be Engaged     *     Informed     *     Empowered