Read what RAHB’s committees have been considering over the last three months.

Arbitration, Discipline and Professional Standards Committees
There were no Arbitration or Discipline hearings during the second quarter.  The Professional Standards Committee reviewed three new complaints, all of which all were deemed to fall under RECO’s jurisdiction.
Contacts:  Wilf Wallace, Don Inglehart and Ann Cosens

Communications/Government Relations Committee
The Communications/GR committee is looking at setting up a system by which committee members can meet with city councillors to discuss and promote issues of interest to RAHB and its members.  The issues of municipal land transfer tax, the LRT and property taxes were identified as the primary focus.

The committee approved donations to the REALTORS Care RIDE, Neighbour to Neighbour, Mission Services and City Kidz.
Contact:  Donna Bacher

Membership Area Representation Committee
MARC held three town hall meetings in April:  in Burlington, Caledonia and Dunnville.  MARC has continued its review of various sponsorship opportunities within the RAHB market area, and agreed to sponsor the Caledonia Canada Day celebrations, the Dunnville Rotary golf tournament and the Burlington Chamber business forum with Mike Wallace.

MARC has resurrected the monthly “Celebrate Your Community” REALINFO articles – with a twist.  We hope that each article will feature a community photo that has been submitted by a RAHB member.  Details are located in this issue of REALINFO.  Also, watch for more details about a RAHB Film Festival – another way for RAHB members to proudly celebrate the many communities that make up our market area.
Contact:  Tom Peddle

Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee offered nine MCE courses during the last quarter. There are no MCE courses scheduled during the summer months, and a limited number of courses will resume in the fall; watch Message of the Day (MOD) for additional courses later in the year.

Education Week will be held at RAHB during the week of September 30 – October 3.  Please note all courses are sold out.  Thank you to all for a great response!

The committee discussed the new mandatory program to be implemented by RECO starting August 1, 2013, with a two year transition period until July 31, 2015. The most significant change will be RECO’s move to a streamlined, online-only program which focuses on consumer protection, regulatory matters and current industry issues. Members will be required to complete six mandatory modules, in the on-line format only. Members will be encouraged to look to their association and other third party providers for their additional professional development needs.

This new format will allow the association more flexibility in the types of courses, seminars and workshops we can offer. Members will benefit from the variety of courses/topics that can be offered and can attend for the value of the information and not because they require the credit.
Contact:  Jim Duschl

Regional Commercial Council
The RCC hosted the Commercial Summit on May 8, 2013 at the Royal Botanical Gardens.  Nearly 150 attendees, speakers and exhibitors enjoyed a full morning of education and networking, based on the theme “Revitalization and Redevelopment in Hamilton, Burlington and Halton”.  The RCC has recommended a number of commercial education courses that will be offered over the next 12 months – watch for details.  A sub-committee of the RCC is investigating the options surrounding a Commercial Building Award event.  Finally, the RCC Election will be held as a morning event this year – the RCC Election Breakfast will be held on November 1, 2013 at the Burlington Golf and Country Club.  Consider volunteering your time on the RCC – full RCC members who have been a member in good standing for at least one year may be nominated for the election.
Contact:  Chris Allen