Time to Vote!

I may be new to the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington, but I am not new to what an association is all about.

One of the most important components of effective and proactive associations is their elected Board of Directors.   The Directors are important because they represent the members at large, and it is the Directors who set the tone and direction for the association.

The Board acts as more than just chief cheerleader for the association.  Ideally, a Board is made up of members who have experience in their business, understand the history and can glimpse the future for their profession and can make decisions based on their knowledge and experience.

Is that what we expect from our Directors?  That they are experts and fortunetellers?

It would be wonderful if the Board could be that perfect, but that’s not the real world.  As much as we need and want a skilled, thoughtful, experienced Board, we also need members on the Board who are willing to question the status quo, learn from others more experienced than they are and gain insights into how the staff and Board work together to effect the best results for all members and the association.

The RAHB election is coming up in less than a month, and this is the time for you to think about who you believe would make a good Director.  The list of candidates is included in this issue of REALINFO and you will receive more information about them shortly.  You will have the chance to meet the candidates in person, and view candidates’ videos to hear what they say, in their words, they believe their role as Director would be.

It’s important that you cast your vote for the five members you want to represent you on the RAHB Board of Directors.

You can vote electronically in mid-November, you can come to the Annual Election Meeting on November 25 or you can do both!  Even if you vote ahead of time, it’s still exciting to come to the meeting and see the new directors as they have been declared elected and take the oath of office.

Be sure to be there on November 25 – we will have some important bylaw changes for you to ratify, you’ll see extraordinary children of members receive RAHB scholarships and if you register to attend ahead of time, you’ll even get a little something from us to enjoy later.