Board ID in search window
Have you noticed that “Board ID” is now a search criterion in MLXchange and Fusion?  By using “Board ID”, you can specify which listings you wish to view by selecting one or both Associations.

Selecting “H” for Hamilton-Burlington, “N” for Niagara or both “H” and “N” will determine which listings will appear in your results window. However, if you select only one, you may be missing results if members from the other Association have listed properties within your search criteria.  If you wish to see all listings from both Associations in your results, simply leaving this criteria blank will also give you all results from both Associations.


New LIVE CHAT feature available
A new “Live Chat” feature is available in both MLXchange and Fusion.  This feature can be used when you require computer support.

To use “Live Chat”, look under the “Help” File/Tab for the “Live Chat” icon.  Click on the button to connect to computer support during the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.,
Monday to Friday.


OREA Listing Agreements
OREA Listing Agreements are now in stock in the Realty Shoppe.  RAHB will advise members via Message of the Day (MOD) when the form is available on WEBForms.

Please note that RAHB will accept OREA’s 2011 forms until February 29, 2012.  After that date, only the new OREA Listing Agreement dated 2012 will be accepted.


No need for Acess Listings between RAHB and NAR
Now that RAHB and NAR share a common MLS® database, there is no longer a need for access listings between the two associations.  As a result, and to avoid duplication of listings, NAR and RAHB have cancelled ouststanding access listings from their respective associations.