RAHB has made the following two fields available in Broker Load.   Please be aware that if you put a URL in either of the fields, the only place they will be displayed is on REALTOR.ca, similar to URLs supplied for additional photos and brochures.

065 Sound Bite URL
This URL field is to link to a verbal audio description of the property.  It must be a link to a web server location where the sound bite is stored.  The sound bite should be stored in .WAV or .MP3 format.  This field is intended to be presented as a link to be played on REALTOR.ca and not on the STARRS MLS® system.

084 Map Service URL
This URL field is intended to link to an alternate map service to display the property.  An example would be a link to Google Maps, or Openstreetmap.  This URL field can also be used to link to a walkscore or video describing the area of the property.  Some examples of these alternative uses would be:



Again, this field is intended to be presented as a link on REALTOR.ca or ICX.ca and not on the STARRS MLS® system.