If you have a client set up to receive auto-notification emails but  they haven’t received any new listings (or you’re not receiving the carbon copy), it may be as simple as selecting their email address to receive the auto-notifications (see below) or it may be due to your email address being blocked by their email provider.

Cause 1:
Your Reply-To email address is set to your MLXchange/Fusion email.  If this is the case, your client’s email provider may block it, assuming it is not a valid email address.  One way to tell is to check your email history to verify that the emails have been sent. If they have gone out, but your client has not received them, they are being blocked.  In MLXchange, go to your Saved Search Manager, find your client’s name and look for recent entries under the “Last Email Sent” field.  In Fusion, go to your Saved Search Manager, find your client’s name, and check for recent entries under “Last Auto-Notification”.

The Solution?
Log in to MLXchange (not available in Fusion right now).  Click on Settings > Personalize > Contact Information.  Verify that your Reply-To email address is set to your Primary Email and not your MLXchange email.

Cause 2:
Your clients’ email provider is blocking your email address assuming it is spam.

The Solution?
If you have already set your primary email address as your Reply-To email, have your clients save your primary email address in their contact list.

This can be confirmed in either MLXchange or Fusion by going to your Saved Search Settings as shown below for both MLXchange and Fusion and ensuring the tick box next to the client’s name is selected:
