RAHB is pleased to announce a powerful new member benefit: 
Tech Helpline.  This incredible, unlimited service is being offered to all RAHB members starting February 7, 2011.  Let Tech Helpline troubleshoot your IT problems.

Call Tech Helpline if…….

  • Your computer is running slow.
  • You are ready to move to a paperless office.
  • You need help removing a virus or spyware.
  • You need help hooking up your printer.
  • You would like to automatically back-up your important documents.
  • You want to know which smartphone works best for your business.
  • You have questions about software, hardware, networking or digital devices.
  • You want advice on purchasing new technology

Tech Helpline’s analysts can even remote into your computer and fix it for you!

Contact Tech Helpline Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturdays
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., toll-free at 877.573.8104 or via live chat by visiting TechnologyHelpline.com.