Interview with 2016 President Kim Alvarez


1. Congratulations on becoming President of RAHB. What made you want to be president?

Thank you.  I wasn’t driven to become president when starting at the Board, actually it was quite the contrary.  After my first two years, I began to feel it would be necessary so the changes could continue in the positive direction that had been put in motion.  I strongly believe in thorough analysis, transparency and accountability for a successful Board to benefit membership most and want to see that become the standard.


2. You have a particular interest in getting more members engaged in the Association. What would you say is the value in increased member participation in RAHB activities and initiatives? And what does member engagement look like to you?

Engagement from a broad spectrum of members allows the Board and staff to make the best decisions for membership overall.  Allowing new volunteers on committees broadens understanding of organized real estate, opens possibilities for new ideas and may encourage others to run for leadership positions.  I strongly believe in democracy and having more candidates run for elections is more fair and less susceptible to manipulation than acclamations.  Engagement is two-way communication, getting feedback from membership and keeping them informed with full information to make clear decisions.  I am hoping for a respectful culture where we can debate ideas to propel our Association further.


3. Every year brings its own challenges. What do you see as the challenges facing members is 2016?

Regionalization will be the challenge for our members early in 2016.  Coupled with that will be the adjustment to a new Matrix platform.  I’m optimistic that the CEO and staff will manage this transition effectively for our members.  Our industry is ever changing and keeping pace with technology will continue to challenge all of us.


4. And the Association?

We hired a new CEO in late August 2015.  George has immersed himself to understand our Association’s business in a very short time period.  I assume he will continue to assess current processes and adjust as necessary.  Change can always be challenging but I think the staff has some exciting opportunities to develop under new leadership. I am very confident in his abilities to further benefit our Association.


5. Is there anything you would like to accomplish during your year in office?

My personal wish is to improve the perception of the value of a REALTOR® within our communities.  Internally we have been making steps to clean up our Bylaws and governance policies and would like to finish the proposed updates this year.


6. Do you have any last thoughts to pass on to the members?

I wish the membership a wonderful 2016!  I’m very excited about the fantastic group of people at the Board table this year.  If the strategic planning session was an indicator, we will have commitment, insight and enthusiasm.  I would like the membership to feel connected to their Board so if you have suggestions or concerns you would like to share, please feel free to contact me at or post a comment on our Facebook page.  If you have a question or comment for staff, please call the Association office at 905.529.8101.