Hamilton’s Economic Development Department (EcDev) took home six awards from the Economic Developers Council of Ontario’s 57th Annual Conference and Showcase in February.

Two of the awards were in the category of Technology & New Media: one for their video “Ambitious Hamilton” (view the video at www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-BgySJ2c50&list=TLN498yebSdUKQ-pQgDUGRI1UbdFXmFECU) and the second for their new Hamilton Site Selector app (http://siteselector.hamilton.ca/).

Site Selector is Hamilton EcDev’s online tool for identifying commercial properties available in the city of Hamilton.  RAHB has long collaborated with EcDev by providing commercial listing information specifically for the site; Hamilton took the additional step of developing an app for the site in 2013.