Tim MattioliQ.  Being on a board of directors and now President of RAHB is a big commitment of time, and  you do this as a volunteer.  You’ve also volunteered on other committees and councils of the association.  What drives you to volunteer year after year?

A.  I believe that when you are “chosen” as a volunteer or “win” an election, these words are used because it is a privilege to serve, to be involved in the decision making that moves our organization forward, and to be a part of the success and growth that enables our members to do what they do.


Q.  Over the past few years, the Board of Directors has been focusing on governance issues.  What do those changes mean for the members and the Board?

A.  We have embraced a new governance model which makes it clear to all involved what their position requires. It allows the directors to make decisions regarding where we want to position the organization, and the services we will be providing to our members, then delegate the fulfillment of those decisions to staff or committees as required.  We should be able to accomplish more by not having to figure out the how, but only the what.


Q. Every year brings its own challenges.  What do you see as the challenges facing members in 2014?

A.  We are in an ever evolving business; just trying to keep up is a challenge.  Keeping up with the market inventory as always will be important, but understanding what our clients need and want with regard to our services will determine our level of success.  It is easy to get caught up in the technology end of things, and that is important, but we also have to continue to develop and strengthen personal relationships with our clients and show that we are there to make all of their deals happen legally and professionally.


Q.  What about challenges to the association?

A.  The association will continue to work on expanding our shared data network and new contracts with our suppliers.  A major issue that has been addressed in the recent past has been improving communications with our membership and getting the members engaged and participating in all activities of the association, whether they be education classes, meetings, or elections.  Other issues that are on the horizon are electronic lock boxes and the Home Price Index.  As an association we will also be dealing with a municipal election and possibly a provincial election as well, so it will be a busy year for our government relations people.


Q.  Is there anything in particular you would like to accomplish this year?

A.  I am looking forward to working with a unified Board of Directors which has the best interests of the members at heart.  I intend to keep pushing the value of a REALTOR® to anybody who will listen, and generally make a professional REALTOR® someone the public and consumers will first seek out when they think of moving.


Q.  Do you have any last thoughts to pass on to the members?

A.  If there are changes you want to see in the association, get involved and make them happen!