Scholarship Applications Now Available
Applications are now being accepted for the 2012 Karan Barker Memorial Scholarship.
This scholarship goes to a student who will be attending university or community college and is a child or grandchild of a RAHB member or RAHB employee. This student must demonstrate academic excellence, a high level of involvement in school and/or the community, maturity, initiative and/or strength of character.
Application deadline is Friday, August 3. The application form can be found in REALTOR Link® under the “Membership Information” tab.
Trump Organization’s George Ross to speak
George Ross, Executive Vice-President and Senior Counsel for the Trump Organization, will be speaking at LIUNA Station on June 12, 2012. Tickets are $125 each. Partial proceeds from ticket sales and the silent auction will go to local food banks.
Mr. Ross is the author of Trump Strategies for Real Estate -Billionaire Lessons for the Small Investor.
For more information about the event or to obtain tickets, call 905.522.7442 or email [email protected].
(Please note that the views and/or comments of George Ross are his own and are not those of the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington.)