What happened at the CREA AGM?

  • Rate Your REALTOR® didn’t rate very highly for CREA members at the CREA AGM – the motion to create a Rate Your REALTOR® site was defeated.
  • An alternative to New Co – the separate MLS® corporation – was approved.  This alternative will, through CREA Bylaw and policy amendments, remove a few layers of bureaucracy currently in the technical development area of CREA; those amendments will speed up and improve decision-making for major technology development.  The Bylaw and policy changes will be prepared and presented at the fall Assembly meeting.

The CREA Technical Peer Group (TPG) met just prior to the CREA AGM.  Two projects are ongoing:  work on a new platform for REALTOR Link® is progressing and improvements to REALTOR.ca are in a beta testing phase, with the expectation it will go live in a few months.


New CREA Television Ads

Have you seen the new CREA TV ads yet?  Check them out on REALTOR Link®>CREA>National Ad Campaign>Television Commercials.