Now that we have passed the 31 day implementation “grace period” for the national Do-Not-Call List, a number of private companies are staging online or email promotions about services offered to help brokerages comply. These should NOT be confused with any requirement to subscribe to the national Do-Not-Call List.

These companies appear to offer a variety of implementation or”scrubber” services – in other words, they can help brokers implement a subscription, but brokers must still subscribe and must have an office policy in place. The URL to purchase a subscription is

These offers may promote confusion about subscription requirements. Please note the services being offered DO NOT replace a requirement for a broker to subscribe to the national  Do-Not-Call List, if representatives of your brokerage use cold-calling for marketing purposes. Only the brokerage can subscribe, a third party, such as the companies promoting the services described, cannot subscribe on their behalf.

Please also note that in correspondence with CREA dated October 24, the CRTC also clarified two points: it is the brokerage, and not individual agents, who should subscribe. A brokerage may also share a subscription between branch offices, as long as those offices are owned by the same person or company.

A series of FAQs covering these issues are available in the Do-Not-Call compliance centre on A recommended office policy guide for brokerages is also available on the site.