Arbitration, Discipline and Professional Standards
There was one Arbitration claim submitted in the first quarter, which was resolved through the conciliation process. There were no Discipline Hearings. The Professional Standards Committee reviewed two new complaints: one was deemed to fall under RECO’s jurisdiction and the other is being investigated by RAHB.
Contact:  Wilf Wallace, Don Inglehart and Ann Cosens

Government Relations
The Government Relations Committee met in March to chart a plan for the year.  It will be a busy one for the committee with municipal elections across our jurisdiction, as well as the possibility of a provincial election.  The City of Hamilton finalized the terms of reference for the Rental Housing task force and RAHB will have a seat at the table for the next four years.
Contact:  Ann Cosens

Membership Area Representation Committee (MARC)
MARC focuses on serving all members from all communities with in RAHB’s jurisdiction.  The committee was again very active in engaging RAHB members at the Member Services area at REALTOR® CONNECTIONS.  Further to the success of last year, the next series of Town Hall meetings have been set for April and May, and the details can be found in this issue of REALinfo.  MARC has supported both Hamilton and Burlington Chamber of Commerce events by way of event sponsorships, and continues to review other sponsorship opportunities.
Contact:  Rochelle Edwards

Professional Development
With the recent changes to RECO’s new manda—tory continuing education requirements, the Professional Development Committee offered a combination of credit courses and information-only sessions, including a new designation course – Accredited Senior Agent Designation® (ASA) – and an information session on FINTRAC.  Two new workshops – Building Relationships Through Facebook/Working by Referral and the Paperless Office – and a panel discussion about industry issues were offered at REALTOR® CONNECTIONS 2014 held on Thursday, March 27.
Contact:  Hank Balfoort

Regional Commercial Council (RCC)
The RCC set a focused work plan for 2014, based largel—y on an RCC member survey results.  The work plan will concentrate on education, networking opportunities, promotion of the commercial practitioner and effective member services.  Plans are well underway for the RCC’s premier event, the Commercial Summit.  This event will be held on the morning of April 24 at the Royal Botanical Gardens.  Full details and registration information can be found in this issue of REALinfo.
Contact:  Paul Martindale