What do you think about RAHB and RAHB services?

survey group


Thanks to the 900 members (that’s 35 per cent of RAHB members!) who responded to the 2014 Member Satisfaction Survey, now we know!

Here are some of the things we learned from you:

  • 69% of you are satisfied or very satisfied with RAHB services while 3% of you are dissatisfied with RAHB services.
  • Brokers and Managers are more likely to be satisfied with RAHB services, while salespeople are less likely.
  • Those of you in very small or medium-sized offices are most likely to be satisfied with RAHB services.
  • The higher the level of education you have, the less likely you are to be satisfied with RAHB services.
  • RAHB’s top three strengths are communication, MLS® and information
  • RAHB’s top three weaknesses are cost, membership, communication


Why does this information matter?

Now that the Directors and RAHB staff know how you feel about the service you receive, what services are important to you and what you expect from the association, we can work toward improving our track record, improving service and meeting your expectations.  We are here, after all, for you.


Can 900 people really represent the opinions of 2700 members?

They can!  The 35 per cent response rate has given us strong, reliable and meaningful information.  The survey was designed and conducted by Framework Partners Inc., a professional polling company with, incidentally, extensive experience in polling for real estate associations across Canada.

In pollster-speak, the response rate of 35% is consistent with a margin of error of +/- 2.7% 19 times out of 20.  In layman’s terms, that’s pretty accurate.


Where can you get more information about the survey results?

On August 18, RAHB members had the opportunity to learn more about the survey results by attending a presentation by Alec Milne of Framework Partners Inc.   The event was also webcast so those who couldn’t make it to the presentation could still watch.

A brief summary of Alec’s presentation can be viewed at rahb.ca/framework/summary.pdf, or you can watch a video rahb.ca/framework/.

More information about the results of the survey will also be printed in REALINFO over the next few months.


So now what?

Your Board of Directors, committee members and staff also met with Alec Milne to gain an understanding of what all the information means.  From that meeting, they developed a number of recommendations for short- and long-term actions which address meeting member expectations and increasing member engagement.

You can expect that the results from the Member Satisfaction Survey will be part of every Board decision about member services going forward.


How does RAHB compare to other associations?

Framework Partners has worked with other real estate associations to determine their levels of member satisfaction.

Framework compared RAHB’s level of member satisfaction with nine other real estate associations.  Other associations’ member satisfaction ranged from a high of 76 per cent (two associations) to a low of 58 per cent.  At 69 per cent, RAHB is tied for fourth place, at only seven points off the top mark.