Duplicate Listings
RAHB MLS® staff have been receiving many calls regarding duplicate listings which have been broker loaded onto the MLS® system in error.  Duplicate listings can result from:

  • Entering a second listing on an already-listed property;
  • The expiry date matching the commencement date (i.e. the listing expires same day as it commences); or
  • A firm sale falling through.

When you begin to enter a listing onto the MLS® system and there is currently an active listing at the same address, a message window will appear and notify you there is already an active listing for this address, and its MLS® number.  If you receive this error message, DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR LISTING TO RECEIVE AN MLS® NUMBER.  Doing so will create a duplicate listing, which carries a $50 fine as per RAHB’s MLS® policies.

Expiry Date Matches Commencement Date
This happens more than you would expect.  If the expiry date entered is same as the commencement date, the listing will automatically expire at midnight.  Once this error is recognized, many members/administrative staff proceed to enter the listing again – which creates a new record and MLS® number – and it becomes a duplicate listing.

If this happens, contact the MLS® department immediately and they will correct the listing for you. If this situation happens on a weekend, wait until the Monday morning to have it corrected.   If left uncorrected, this carries a $50 fine, as per RAHB’s MLS® policies.

Firm Sale Has Fallen Through
Should the sale of your listing fall through after it has been reported as a firm sale (SOLD), send the MLS® number, address and the notification the first sale has fallen through in writing to Amanda, amandag@rahb.ca.  Staff will remove the sold information completely from the database and your listing status will be changed back to active, provided the expiry date has not been reached.

Should you require any other information on the above, please contact the MLS® department for assistance at 905.667.4650.