Arbitration, Discipline and Professional Standards Committees
There were no Arbitration or Discipline Hearings during the second quarter.  The Professional Standards Committee has reviewed 10 new complaints, four of which were deemed to fall under RECO’s jurisdiction, and six cases which were opened and are being investigated by RAHB.

Contact:  Don Inglehart, Wilf Wallace and Ann Cosens

Burlington Council
The Burlington Council circulated a survey in May and responses are being reviewed.  Names of those who responded to the survey were put in a draw for a free RAHB MCE-credit course and the winner was Izabella Bauer (Right at Home Realty Inc.).  The Burlington Council will continue their support of local initiatives this fall with the support of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce’s September Business Forum and an upcoming Small Business Week Breakfast.

Contact:  Jamie Edwards

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee continues to review and discuss ways in which to improve communication between members and the association, and sought input from Brokers of Record and Managers at their recent meeting.  The Committee recommended that RAHB no longer participate in the Adopt-a-School Student Nutrition Program nor collect books for the Telling Tales literacy festival as the programs lack participation of members.  Donations were made to Good Shepherd Square, Ronald McDonald House and the REALTORS Care Foundation/REALTORS® RIDE for Charity.

Contact:  Marvin Caplan

Government Relations Committee
The Government Relations Committee has been busy conducting local MPP visits pushing government to allow real estate salespeople to incorporate, and to amend the Electronic Commerce Act to allow electronic signatures for real estate transactions.  In May, RAHB reps travelled to Ottawa to meet with MPs to promote the indexation of the Home Buyers’ Plan and to lobby for rollover of the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA).  Locally the committee has been focused on rental housing licensing, bylaw enforcement, affordable housing and promoting the Quality of Life program.

Contact:  Tamer Fahmi

Membership Area Representation Committee (MARC)
RAHB’s April Town Hall meetings visited Stoney Creek, Waterdown and Dunnville and nearly 80 members came out to hear RAHB updates and provide feedback.  More Town Hall meetings will be held in October and details will be announced in the coming weeks.

MARC’s 2012 Community Awareness Event was held in June and was in support of the Heart & Stroke “Big Bike Ride” – details of the two rides can be found on page 6 in this issue of REALinfo.

Contact:  Tom Peddle

Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee offered 15 MCE courses during the last quarter.  They will be offering four summer courses, three of which are new topics (see page 3 for details).  The fall schedule will resume in September with 15 courses, five of which are new topics.  Check the schedule in the Education section on REALTORLInk®.

Contact:  Jim Duschl

Regional Commercial Council
The RCC held their 11th Annual Commercial Summit on May 3 at the Burlington Golf and Country Club.  The event drew more than 110 attendees and showcased 11 sponsors and exhibitors.  The full morning included speakers who presented national updates and local economic development opportunities, services and incentives.  The closing speaker demonstrated the provincial investment attraction tools offered by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

The RCC is currently investigating possible education sessions for the fall.  The RCC Election Dinner is scheduled for November 1 – more information to be announced shortly.

Contact:  Hank Balfoort