Refresher:  Entering Sales and Leases

The MLS® department has been receiving many questions about how to enter sales that have been sold by a salesperson who is not a member of RAHB and about how to enter leases.  The following MLS® Policies provide clear instructions for reporting these sales and leases:

When broker loading any sales where the selling salesperson is a non‐board broker, members will be required under Selling Salesperson field to enter “NONMEM” and on the comment line “SOLD BY N.B.B.”.

Leases reported for the sold sheets must be on a per unit basis so that the listing and the lease price are reported in the same units. i.e., list price = $14 per square foot; lease price = $12 per square foot; the comments line of the sold sheet will give the breakdown and total volume for the lease.

Example:    Leased for 1 yr. @ $1,000/mth.                    =    $12,000


                  Leased 100 sq. ft. for 5 yrs. @ $5/sq. ft.      =    $30,000

The lease may have different prices for different years and those amounts must be broken down.

Example:    Leased 100 sq. ft. for 2 yrs.   =    $13,200

                  1st yr. @ $5/sq. ft.                  =    $  6,000

                  2nd yr. @ $6/sq. ft.                 =    $  7,200

Questions regarding the reporting of sales or leases should go to the ML® Department, 905.667.4650.