OREA has made revisions to the 2019 Standard Forms and Clauses (see revisions below) and the new forms are now available via CREA’s WEBForms®.

Please use these new forms immediately for any new webkits that need to be created. The cutoff date for use of the old forms is Friday, February 1, 2019, after which RAHB will no longer accept the 2018 forms.

As of February 1, the new forms will be available in the Realty Shoppe.

Due to an extensive number of OREA Forms revised in 2019 (many of which were minor, correction or housekeeping), we are identifying herein the 2019 OREA Forms NOT revised from 2018 to 2019.

OREA strongly encourages Members to always use the current year OREA Forms, to ensure they are using the most up to date and accurate OREA Forms & Clauses available. Further, OREA recommends Members retrieve their OREA FORMS from an OREA Forms Third Party Licensee source, to ensure again they are accessing the most up to date and accurate OREA Forms.
