OREA Standard Forms – New and Revised Forms/ Clauses for 2015

OREA has recently released the 2015 Standard Forms and Clauses – Summary of Revisions. This report is now posted on the OREA website www.orea.com in the Members Only Section, and on REALTOR Link® in the MLS® & IT section.  All members and support staff are encouraged to review this document.

This report includes the list of the 38 revised and new forms for 2015, and the changes include such frequently used forms such as OREA Form 100 “Agreement of Purchase and Sale”; OREA Form 200 “Listing Agreement Authority to Offer for Sale”; OREA Form 122 “Mutual Release”; and OREA Form 320 “Confirmation of Co-Operation and Representation”.

The new forms are now on the OREA site, and software companies (including WEBForms®) have been asked to be ready by mid-December.  Based on these release dates, RAHB expects to stock the printed forms in the Realty Shoppe by mid to late January.  RAHB members are encouraged to use the 2015 forms as soon as possible in the New Year.

Members must begin using the 2015 OREA forms by Tuesday, February 10, 2015.


OREA is offering a free update on revisions to the 2015 Standard Forms and Clauses:

When:  Tuesday, February 10, 2015
                   9:30 a.m. to Noon or 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Where:  RAHB Office, McCullough Room (lower level)

Cost:  Free to RAHB members

This update will focus on new and revised forms and clauses for 2015, while including information about revisions that have evolved over a number of years, especially where the revisions were contentious.

  • OREA Standard Forms copyright, benefits and limitations of use
  • OREA Standard Forms essential usage, including electronic transmission and electronic signatures
  • OREA Standard Forms and REBBA 2002 and other legislative compliance
  • Upcoming new material benefits for members
  • OREA “forms explained files”
  • Available resources
  • Standard Forms “members only” page on orea.com
  • Spring 2014 revisions to CREA/FINTRAC forms

Members who attend this update will also have an opportunity to discuss standard forms usage and provide input and suggestions for future revisions to OREA’s standard forms and clauses.

To register for this update, contact Angela at the RAHB office (angelam@rahb.ca or 905.529,8101 x233) and specify the time you wish to attend.