Two-Page Reports for Commercial Properties

In the fall of 2012, RAHB introduced new two-page Client and REALTOR® commercial reports to reduce the number of reports required to obtain all commercial information.   The two-page report includes all relevant fields for all commercial subtypes.

Members are encouraged to use the Com REALTOR® 2 pg report and Com Client 2 pg report, as the singlepage reports are scheduled to be removed in the fall of 2013:

Single page reports

Members may copy the single-page reports prior to their removal and make a personal report for their own and/or their clients’ use.

To make a personal report:

  • Click on REPORTS
  • Select which report you want to save
  • Click COPY
  • Click SAVE AS button
  • Make changes if required
  • Click OK

Saved reports can then be used for any default (e.g. e-mail notifications).

Did you know?

Did you know that Brantford and Simcoe will soon be part of the shared MLS® database?

By the end of 2013, RAHB, the Niagara Association of REALTORS® , the Brantford Regional Real Estate Association and the Simcoe and District Real Estate Board will all share the same MLS® database.

More details will be presented at the upcoming Town Hall meetings (September  27 and October 4) and General Membership meeting on October 10.


Single Sign On

RAHB members will soon have a new, more convenient way to sign in to Fusion and RAHB applications.

The new Single Sign On (SSO) will allow members to log in only once and then navigate to Fusion, REALTOR Link®, CONNECT, the Statistical Information Management (SIM) site, and WEBForms®.   Once signed on, users can move back and forth between these applications without having to log in again.

Until GeoWarehouse®, MPAC and Property Panorama are included as buttons on the SSO home page, members will continue to access those sites through Fusion.

The SSO will not replace the direct link with Fusion.

More information about the launch of the SSO will be sent to all members via direct email.


Photo instructions

When you are filling out RAHB’s property information forms and broker loading your listings, please pay special attention to the Photo Instructions section. It is very important that you choose the appropriate option.  The options are:

  • Photo to Follow (F) – you will upload a main photo within two Board business days
  • Photo Attached (P) – you will upload a main photo immediately after receiving an MLS® number
  • Sketch Attached (S) – you will upload a sketch immediately after receiving an MLS® number
  • Front View & Back View (B) – you are requesting that the Board photographer take a photo of the front and back of your property and upload them to your listing at a charge of $8+HST per photo
  • Front View Only (T or A) – you are requesting that the Board photographer take a photo of the front of your property and upload it to your listing at a charge of $8+HST per photo

If you choose T, A or B and then upload your own photos to your listing, you will still be charged the photographer’s fee.

If you would like the Board photographer to shoot interior photos of your property, you must contact REAL Services Photography Inc. Directly at 905.467.5332. Do not submit your request through the photo instructions.


New URL for Fusion

Have you bookmarked the new URL for Fusion?

Fusion is now found at


Alternate Feature Sheet

A new option called “Alternate Feature Sheet” allows members to display information about their listings in feature sheet format on

Until recently, RAHB uploaded three possible URL links to CREA as follows:

  1. Virtual tour URL
  2. Additional Photo URL
  3. Brochure View URL

RAHB has now added a fourth URL – the Alternate Feature Sheet –  which members can use if they want their listing details to display other than in the REALTOR®.ca default.  This field has been enabled in broker load as shown below:

Alternate feature sheet


Members who wish to use this new feature to display their listing details on REALTOR®.ca may do so provided they comply with CREA’s MTC Policy as follows:

Linking to feature sheets other than those supplied by REALTOR®.ca or ICX may occur subject to:

  1. The member/broker site-generated feature sheet opens a new window smaller than the REALTOR®.ca window;
  2. The feature sheet includes a “Return to REALTOR®.ca” button which results in the member/broker window being closed;
  3. The link from the thumbnail to the feature sheet is for the specific property on the thumbnail result set;
  4. The link must be permission-based on an individual property basis and an agent specified URL is provided and supported; and
  5. Seller contact information must not appear on alternate feature sheets.

If a member’s alternate feature sheet is found to be in violation of any of the above policies, staff will immediately remove the URL from the MLS® system.

Should you have any further questions regarding the new “Alternate Feature Sheet” URL, please contact Pamela at