We hope you and yours are enjoying a safe and happy holiday season!
As 2018 draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on what your Association has accomplished on your behalf this past year. Your Board of Directors and RAHB staff worked to improve services for you, which will allow you to better serve your clients and customers:
  • OpenHouses.ca now includes all local active listings – not just open houses.


  • We investigated how to increase professionalism among members and have taken steps, through Professional Development offerings and collaboration with the City of Hamilton (re: signage bylaw compliance), to more fully inform members on ethical and professional issues.
  • We continued to improve and expand on how we connect with members:  Lunch with the President, video updates for members immediately following each Board of Directors meeting, Broker of Record meeting updates, weekly NewsReal newsletter, social media campaigns and even more videos.
As 2018 President and CEO, we are pleased to report that:
  • Your monthly service fees in 2019 will be reduced from $39 per month to $38 effective January 1, 2019. This is the second year in a row that we have reduced your fees while maintaining or expanding services to you.
  • This year saw the greatest number of RAHB members on record. We hit a high of 3,167 members at year end, the highest on record for RAHB making us the second largest real estate board/association in Ontario, clearly indicating REALTORS® value what we offer.
Please watch for more information about what your Board of Directors and Association accomplished for you in the 2018 Annual Report, coming your way in the first quarter of 2019.
Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous new year.
Jack Loft                                                       George O’Neill
2018 RAHB President                                   RAHB CEO