Join the REALTORS Care® Foundation motorcycle ride for charity!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

This year’s RIDE is a one-day event visiting real estate boards throughout the south and southwestern parts of Ontario, and it all begins at the RAHB office!

  • REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington
  • Brantford Regional Real Estate Association
  • Simcoe & District Real Estate Board
  • London and St. Thomas Association of REALTORS®
  • Leamington

The RIDE will raise money for the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation, which supports shelter-related causes in communities around Ontario.

Watch for more details in next month’s REALINFO.  In the meantime, check out the REALTORS Care® website ( for full details and to either sign up to ride or sponsor a rider.   Also be sure to save the date of July 9 to come down to give the riders a big send-off from the RAHB office.