Call for Candidates – REALTORS Care Foundation

The affairs of the REALTORS Care Foundation are managed by a Board of Directors comprised of both elected and appointed members.  The REALTORS Care Foundation Board has openings for four elected Directors for the 2013 term.

The open positions include three REALTOR® Director positions (one each from the Eastern, Northern and Western Ontario areas) and one Public Director.

RAHB members who are interested in running for a position on the Foundation’s 2013 Board of Directors will find full details, including candidacy forms, online in at (log in to the members’ area) or by calling the REALTORS Care Foundation at 1.800.265.6732 and asking for Stephanie O’Brien.

Candidacy forms must be filed no later than December 20, 2012 with

Secretary-Treasurer of the REALTORS Care Foundation
c/o Vinay Raja
Clarke Henning LLP, Chartered Accountants
10 Bay Street, Suite 801
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2R8

The election will take place on March 6, 2013.


Royal LePage office supports local charity

The Grimsby office of Royal LePage Niagara Real Estate Centre recently collected 1500 pounds of food and $400 in one day for their local community charity, the Grimsby Benevolent Fund.  This annual event was spearheaded by Mark Wasilewski who, with five other members of the Royal LePage Niagara office, stood outside their local Sobey’s store and solicited the donations.

(l-r) Leesa Gill, Amanda of the Grimsby Benevolent Fund, Mark Wasilewski and Brad Gabriel pose with some of the donations from their one-day collection blitz.  Missing from the photo are RAHB members Jackie James, Robert James and Jim Walker.