You were asking …. about wind turbines

Members brought their questions and concerns about wind turbines to a Town Hall meeting in 2011.  The members were looking for more information and education.

As a result of those members voicing their concerns, RAHB became involved with the Regional Wind Turbines Task Force.  The task force was made up of 46 representatives from 24 Ontario real estate boards and associations, and they met to share news about issues with wind turbines and to formulate recommendations for actions which could or should be taken by OREA on this issue.

The task force met with the OREA Government Relations Committee in 2012 and as of January, 2013 felt its mandate was complete as the following actions had been taken by OREA:

  1. OREA contacted the Minister of the Environment and Minister of Energy to remind them of  issues/concerns of REALTORS® and some consumers regarding wind turbines, and asking them to keep those concerns in mind when setting wind turbine/alternate energy policies.
  2. OREA asked the government to work more closely with municipalities to ensure a greater level of public participation in the debate about where wind turbines and/or solar power facilities should be located.
  3. OREA was investigating the feasibility of performing research related to the impact of wind turbines on property values.
  4. The OREA College was requested to investigate the development of a continuing education course about wind turbine issues.  The course Alternative Energy – What’s the Big Deal? was developed and recently presented at RAHB.
  5. OREA’s Standard Forms Committee was asked to look into the feasibility of incorporating wind turbine-related clauses directly into the Standard Form Agreement of Purchase and Sale.  Appropriate clauses have been created with the help of OREA’s legal resource team and are now part of the OREA standard forms and clauses on and as WEBForms® on REALTOR Link®.