Members who wish to help students by participating in Adopt-a-School but who can’t commit to the time required for volunteering in the school now have a new option!

We have just heard from Food for Thought in Burlington that they will accept donations for specific schools and their programs.

Members wishing to make a donation should make their cheque out to Halton Food For Thought and mail it to:  Halton Food for Thought, 2313 Greenbank Trail, Burlington ON L7P 3S7.   Members may specify a  school or schools to receive the donation if they wish.

Hamilton and Halton members who wish to make a cash donation to the Partners in Nutrition student nutrition program may send their cheque payable to SPRC c/o (HPIN) Hamilton Partners in Nutrition to SPRC, 103 – 162 King William St., Hamilton ON L8R 3N9.  If the funds are to be directed to a specific school, the name of the school should be included on the cheque or in a note attached to the cheque.