Have you chosen a school to adopt?   
The list of schools in RAHB’s Adopt-a-School program was sent to all member offices in November. 

What is Adopt-a-School?  It is a new program in which member offices can work with one school in their community and help that school in its student nutrition program.  The help can come in the form of volunteering time to prepare or serve breakfast or snacks, or it could be by donations of money or food for the program.

** UPDATE **

For those member offices which wish to participate in Adopt-a-School but are finding it difficult to commit to times to work in a school, there is still a way you can be involved!  Partners in Nutrition has indicated that while meeting schools’ particular needs is most important, donations would also be welcome.

Members who wish to make donations to specific schools on our Adopt-a-School list in Hamilton or Haldimand or make a general donation may donate through the Partners in Nutrition Program.  Cheques should be made payable to SPRC c/o (HPIN) Hamilton Partners in Nutrition and send to SPRC, 103 – 162 King William St., Hamilton L8R 3N9.  If the funds are to be directed to a specific school, the name of the school should be included on the cheque or in a note attached to the cheque.