Everyone knows that REALTORS® lead busy lives and sometimes it’s hard to balance time with clients, time for family and “me” time.  Here are some suggestions for helping you balance your life.

Put family first.  Regardless of what else comes your way on a daily bais, you need to make time for your family a priority.

It’s your schedule, not your clients’.  One of the great advantages of being in the real estate business is the ability to be flexible with your own hours. Don’t be afraid to tell a client or customer that you have a commitment.  Most clients will work with your schedule.

Plan your day in advance.  Planning your day allows you to create a road map for the day’s work and helps you avoid wasting many productive minutes throughout the day.  Make sure your planning includes time with your spouse and family.  It is also important that you take your planning to another level by planning your week in advance.

Exercise each day.  Feeling good about your health will produce a new outlook on your life and provide you with more energy to enjoy your family time.

Take vitamins and eat right.  Incorporating the right foods and taking a multivitamin on a daily basis will improve your health and give you more energy.  Real estate professionals can be guilty of eating from their cars and frequently using the local drive-thru for meals.  You may think fast food saves you time, but in the long term, it is robbing you of proper nutrition.

Turn off your mobile phone from time to time.  Don’t be afraid to turn off your mobile phone when spending time or eating a meal with your family.  Society has become so “wired” with portable devices and communication aids that you often use your equipment without noticing how disruptive it can be to a family outing.  Check your voicemail at your first opportunity and return call later, and change your voice message to indicate you will be unavailable until a certain time.

Team up with another practitioner in the office.  Teaming up will ensure that all your calls and emergencies are covered while you’re out of the office.  Be a team player in return when your team member needs some extra time away from the office to treasure his or her family.  You’ll both benefit from this act of kindness.

Give yourself a daily reminder.  Remind yourself on a daily basis how valuable the time is that you spend with your spouse and family.


(Source:  National Association of REALTORS®)