CREA, with their partner Lonewolf, has managed to resolve some issues that have been reported regarding WebForms®, and CREA is also aware of other issues that still need to be addressed. CREA is working diligently to roll out fixes to forms and enhancements to the software.
Fixes and changes that have been implemented to date:
- When users are adding clauses to certain forms, the software now accommodates the overflow text by automatically adding pages as required at the bottom of the form;
- Some users reported receiving an error message when they entered an MLS® number, meaning certain listings weren’t being found by the system for auto-population into forms. CREA has made some programming adjustments so that members won’t be met with the same error going forward;
- The system disabled out-of-date forms within templates to protect the user from creating a transaction with an out-of-date form. Unfortunately, this meant that users had to remove the disabled form, replace it with the new version and reinsert their clauses. This functionality was changed, and new forms will now automatically replace the old versions within user templates while retaining the content the user had saved in the old version of the form;
- CREA has made hundreds of adjustments to various forms across the country with respect to both formatting and auto-population based on user feedback.
Thanks to feedback from across the country, there is a list of software enhancements that CREA is working on with Lonewolf, such as:
- No longer automatically increasing font sizes when printing or e-mailing documents. However, when necessary, the software will continue to shrink fonts to not lose any content (Legacy WEBForms® would simply truncate the text, leaving content out of documents);
- The Form Editor will be enhanced, making it easier to insert clauses throughout your documents, and provide a more seamless flow between pages;
- Users will be able to download editable forms, and with their own editor tool they will have the ability to edit the forms offline;
- The Clause Manager tool will be overhauled to include features such as the ability to insert date and time pickers directly into the clauses, as well as other improvements to the formatting capabilities;
- The User Interface itself will see some changes to improve the intuitiveness of the icons and the general workflow.
Please continue to let CREA know when you encounter challenges or issues with the new CREA WEBForms®. CREA’s Members Support Centre can bereached by phone at 1-888-237-7945 or by e-mailing [email protected].
CREA provides WEBForms® support until Midnight EST on weekdays, and until 10 p.m. EST on weekends.
This may have been addressed but the hold webforms allowed you to insert the original clauses in a Notice of Fulfillment but I did not see that option on my last deal so I had to copy and paste the clauses from the original APS…is there another way to do this now?
Let me know…thanks
Catherine Sennett
Judy Marsales Real Estate
Hi Catherine,
That question is better suited for CREA’s Members Support Centre at 1-888-237-7945 or by e-mailing [email protected].