Updated/Amended RAHB Rules and Regulations

On May 9, 2019 the Board of Directors approved the following amendment to the RAHB Rules and Regulations Section 3 – 3.01 and 3.02 as follows:

3.01         An MLS® Listing may be suspended from the Association’s MLS® System before its expiration date provided that a copy of the OREA Association’s standard form entitled “Suspension of Listing Agreement” has been submitted to the Association or processed through Broker Load through the Association’s MLS® System within two (2) Association business days immediately following the date the Suspension of Listing Agreement is signed by the Seller who signed the original Listing Agreement or by his/her/their lawfully authorized representative and by the Broker of Record or Manager of the Listing Brokerage. Such Suspension of Listing Agreement shall not constitute a cancellation of the terms and conditions of the original Listing Agreement. The Listing Brokerage shall be responsible for all Suspension of Listing Agreements submitted or processed through Broker Load regardless of who submits or Broker Loads such forms on its behalf, including, but not limited to, by the Broker of Record, the Manager, or other Registrants or persons employed by the Listing Brokerage.

3.02          An MLS® Listing may be cancelled by completing OREA’s filing the Association’s standard form entitled “Cancellation of Listing Agreement” signed by the Seller who signed the original Listing Agreement or the Seller’s lawfully authorized representative and by the Broker of Record or manager of the Listing Brokerage and a copy of such Cancellation of Listing Agreement shall be submitted to the Association or processed through Broker Load through the Association’s MLS® System within two (2) Association business days immediately following the date the Cancellation of Listing Agreement is signed by all such parties. The Listing Brokerage shall be responsible for all Cancellation of Listing Agreements submitted or processed through Broker Load regardless of who submits or broker loads such forms on its behalf, including, but not limited to, by the Broker of Record, the Manager, or other Registrants or persons employed by the Listing Brokerage.

RAHB CEO Selection Committee – Update

RAHB is pleased to announce that the CEO Selection Committee has been established. We received several responses from qualified candidates and appreciate the interest. Based on the qualifications outlined in the request for volunteers, and in accordance with the CEO Succession Policy, the Board of Directors has appointed the following RAHB members to the 2019 CEO Selection Committee:

Bob Van de Vrande, President, Apex Results Realty Inc. (Chair)
Kathy Della-Nebbia, President-Elect, Royal LePage State Realty
Lou Piriano, Director-at-Large, L. Piriano Real Estate Brokerage 

Ann Forbes Arndt, Member-at-Large, Royal LePage Macro Realty
Don Robertson, Member-at-Large, Com/Choice Realty
Conrad Zurini, Member-at-Large, RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc.

Also on the Selection Committee may be three external non-voting advisors.

Thank you to all who applied.

CIty of Hamilton Development Charges Update

On February 19 and March 25, the City of Hamilton Development Charges Stakeholder Sub-Committee met to review the proposal for exemptions and changes to the current development charges, and vote as to which changes/exemptions would be put forward for public consultation. RAHB participates within this sub-committee.

There will be a public meeting held on April 18 starting at 9:30 a.m., then recessed until 7 p.m. to ensure members of the public are able to attend and present their delegations.

If you have any objections to the below report or items carried, we encourage you to attend the meeting and provide a delegation with your argument. In order to present a delegation, please visit the City of Hamilton website at https://www.hamilton.ca/council-committee/council-committee-meetings/request-speak-committee-council and complete the required forms.

Below is the link to the full 630 page Development Charges Background Study:

2019 Development Charges Background Study – Full 630 pages

Below is the summary of the report that was presented to the sub-committee:

2019 Development Charges Background Study Summary

Below are the items voted upon and carried:

The Committee considered the staff recommendations and alternative recommendations for the following Development Charges exemption policies:

(i) Parking Structures
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law not provide an exemption for commercial parking.

(ii) Covered Sports Field
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law not provide an exemption for covered sports fields.

(iii) Small Industrial Rate
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law not provide a lower rate for small industrial developments.

(iv) Academic – Post Secondary / Not-for-Profit / Elementary/Secondary
That the 2019 Development Charge By-law continue to charge only the Transit component of the Development Charges for postsecondary academic space.

  1.  That the 2019 Development Charges By-law not provide an Academic Space exemption; and,
  2. That the 2019 Development Charges By-law require documentation from developers to support the mandatory exemption as a Crown agent.

(v) Affordable Housing
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law not provide an exemption for affordable housing.
(Note – the removal of the exemption was because the file was moved to another funding agent.)

(vi) Places of Worship
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law provide an exemption for Places of Worship, with clarification that revenue generating space is not exempt.

(vii) Public Hospitals
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law not provide exemptions for public hospitals.

(viii) Downtown Public Art Reserve Voluntary Contributions
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law maintain the current exemption for Downtown Public Art Reserve Voluntary Contributions, with an annual limit of $250,000 on the contributions that will be accepted by the City under this program.

(ix) Heritage Buildings
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law maintain the current exemption within the existing building envelope except for sections that are not covered by the Heritage designation.

(x) Redevelopment for Residential Facility
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law maintain the exemption for Redevelopment for Residential Facility.

(xi) Industrial Rate
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law maintain the current exemption, and continue with a 39% reduction, by charging 100% of the water and wastewater charges, and adjusting the percentage charged for services related to a highway component to achieve a combined reduction of 39%.

(xii) Expansion of an Existing Industrial Development
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law maintain the 50% Industrial expansion exemption as written in the 2014 Development Charges By-law, as amended.

(xiii) Transition Policy
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law maintain the Transition Policy tied to building permit applications.

(xiv) Student Residences
That the exemption for Student Residences be maintained in the 2019 Development Charges By-law until June 30, 2020.

(xv) Agriculture
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law redefine the agriculture definition to exclude cannabis growing and processing, and charge the industrial Development Charge rate.

  1. That the 2019 Development Charges By-law not provide an exemption for farm help houses; and
  2. That the 2019 Development Charges By-law require proof of a farm business registration number to receive the agriculture Development Charge exemption.

(xvi) New Non-Industrial (Commercial/Institutional) Stepped Rates
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law continue stepped rates for office, excluding medical office; continue stepped rates within the City’s CIPA (Community Improvement Plan Areas) and BIA’s (Business Improvement Areas); and, remove stepped rates for all other development.

(xvii) Expansion of Existing Non-Industrial (Commercial/Institutional)
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law only provide a 5,000 square feet exemption for office, excluding medical office; and, remove the exemption for all other non-industrial development.

(xviii) Downtown Hamilton CIPA

  1. That the 2019 Development Charges By-law continue to provide a 70% CIPA exemption for major office developments (Class A – greater than 20,000 square feet gross floor area), whether or not the development is a standalone office;
  2. That for other development within the Downtown Hamilton



July 6, 2019 – July 5, 2020 60% exemption
July 6, 2020 – July 5, 2021 50% exemption
July 6, 2021 – July 5, 2022 40% exemption
July 6, 2022 – July 5, 2023 40% exemption
July 6, 2023 – July 5, 2024 40% exemption

(iii) That the 2019 Development Charges By-law maintain the same height limits on exemption use; and,

(iv) That the 2019 Development Charges By-law add clarity that the Downtown Hamilton CIPA exemption cannot be combined/stacked with other Development Charge exemptions and that the Downtown Hamilton CIPA exemption will not be applied if other exemptions result in a lower amount payable.

(xix) Laneway Housing
That the 2019 Development Charges By-law exempt laneway housing.

(xx) Non-industrial Uses Charged Industrial Rate

  1. That the 2019 Development Charges By-law not provide the industrial rate for self-storage facilities or hotels; and,
  2. That the 2019 Development Charges By-law provide the industrial rate for film, production and artists’ studios.

(xxi) Other Development Charges Policies

  1. That the 2019 Development Charges By-law maintain the ability to offset Development Charges with an ERASE (Environmental Remediation and Site Enhancement Redevelopment Program) grant, and require security through a Development Charge Deferral Agreement; and,
  2. That the 2019 Development Charges By-law, respecting Deferral Agreements, maintain the existing policy and add:
    1. That staff be authorized to negotiate extensions of Development Charges Deferral Agreements of up to two years;
    2. That staff be authorized to enter into Development Charges Deferral Agreements related to Podium Developments to delay timing and applicable rate of Development Charge payment to the issuance of each structure permit (no time limit); and,
    3. That staff be authorized to enter into zero interest Development Charge Deferral Agreements where a developer is applying their ERASE grant to offset the Development Charges (no time limit).

If you have any questions, please contact Wendy in the RAHB office at [email protected] or via phone at 905.529.8101 x295.

RAHB dues deadline March 31

RAHB dues deadline March 31, 2019

The second quarter for 2019 RAHB dues have been billed and e-mailed to you as part of your February monthly invoice.  Please note that dues are payable no later than March 31, 2019.  

Full Member
$125.00 – RAHB dues (April – June 2019)
$28.75 – OREA dues (April – June 2019)
$77.50 – CREA dues (April to June 2019)
$30.06 – HST
$261.31 – Total

Acceptable methods of Payment are:

In Person: Visa, MasterCard, Interac, cash or cheque
By Phone: Visa or MasterCard
Online through Matrix: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Visa Debit   http://my.rahb.ca
Online: CIBC/PC Financial, Royal Bank, Scotia Bank, TD Canada Trust – for assistance to set-up, please contact Karin at 905.529.8101 x 258 or [email protected]

A reminder about notifying RAHB of terminations in your office

Brokerages are responsible for notifying RAHB when members in their office resign or otherwise leave.  Notice must be received by RAHB within seven business days of the member leaving. If notice is delayed beyond the seven business days, the Brokerage will be assessed a penalty of $50 per incident. (RAHB Bylaw, Article 4, Section 1.02.)

To learn how to pay your invoice online, please watch the video below.

Burlington Heritage Properties Information

It is now possible to check the heritage status of a property online to confirm if it is designated under the Heritage Act and/or listed on the city’s Heritage Register. REALTORS® and members of the public can view an up-to-date list of properties with heritage protection and/or learn about the implications of being a protected (listed and/or designated) property.

Heritage Register

There is also information about financial support and incentives for owners of designated heritage properties, including property tax rebates and restoration grants. To view the information, click the button below.

Heritage Support

Reminder: Listing Accuracy

RAHB has received numerous complaints regarding missing property history. Matrix uses multiple fields to match properties, and if all of these fields do not match, the property history will not appear. Please be mindful of RAHB’s MLS® Rules & Regulations and Policies regarding listing accuracy, listed below:

 Rules and Regulations, Section 2 –  MLS® Listings, Sub-section 2.05 states:

 The Listing Brokerage and Listing REALTOR® are responsible for the accuracy of all information submitted by the Listing Brokerage to the Association’s MLS® System, whether Board Loaded or Broker Loaded.

 RAHB’S MLS® Policies:


  1. That listings on all property types (including farms and vacant land), whether in town or out of town, shall show the address as per the street table and the address specifies on of the following:


  1.    City;
  2.    Town;
  3.    Township;

Visit Hamilton 2018/2019 Guides are Available

The Visit Hamilton magazine is a wonderful free resource; for our out of town visitors, convention and meeting guests – even future residents!

It includes detailed information and maps relating to places to eat, shop, stay, family fun, the arts, festivals & events, heritage and the great outdoors.

Free copies are available:

  • Realty Shoppe for pick-up, while quantities last


  • For larger quantities, you can email your request indicating quantity, based on quantities of 10, 25 or multiples of 50 (one box contains 50 magazines) to [email protected] or call Eryn, Visitor Centre Coordinator at 905-546-2424 ext. 5771 to arrange pick up. They can be picked up Monday – Friday, between 9:30 and 3:30 pm at 28 James Street North, corner of King William and James Street North

Realty Shoppe Update

February Special – RAHB Maps on Sale!

Price Reduced 10%
Customized with RAHB’s District and Neighbourhood codes
Attach your business card for a marketing campaign

Burlington Folded paper Map

$1.10  Now $0.99 ea.

Burlington Laminated Map

$3.90 Now $3.51 ea.

Hamilton Folded paper Map

$2.50  Now $2.25 ea.

Hamilton Laminated Map

$7.60  Now $6.84 ea.

Outlying Area folded Map

$2.50  Now $2.25 ea.

Outlying Areas Laminated Map

$4.60  Now $4.14 ea.

Member Appreciation Day: Congratulations to our Winners!

Debra Murphy (Aldo DeSantis Realty Inc. Brokerage) won a gift basket valued at $50


Diane Mageau (Sutton Group – About Town Realty Inc. Brokerage)
Mark Togmus (Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc. Brokerage)
EACH won
2 tickets to a Hamilton Bulldogs Regular Season game!

Light refreshments, give aways and a 10% sale were enjoyed by all who dropped by the Realty Shoppe on January 30, 2019 to join in the celebration.

RAHB Awards and Appreciation Gala

On Saturday, January 19, RAHB hosted the 2019 Awards and Appreciation Gala at Michelangelo Events & Conference Centre. Despite the winter storm, all the guests who attended enjoyed a wonderful night of dinner, dancing and entertainment.

RAHB would like to extend a huge thank you to every member who volunteered their time in 2018 for a RAHB Committee and Task Force. Another thank you to the members of our 2018 Board of Directors who will be stepping down and a welcome to our new members for our 2019 Board of Directors!

Congratulations to the Winner of the Award of Merit; Gary Herron.

RAHB also recognized the Long Service Recipient.

25 Year (1993)

Helen Arthur
Chris Bailey
Lucio Barcaroli
Leonardo Cascioli
Michael Cascioli
Colette Cooper
Carolyn Cornale
Ed Giles
Tanis Hall
Gary Herron
Andrea Iavarone
Carolyn Infurnari (RAHB Staff)
Elsie Jungas
Robin Lebel
Jackson Lee
Mike Malesevic
Donna Michalowski
Catherine Moffatt
Gordon Noble
Laurie Panchyshyn
James Parker
Brian Perchaluk
Lidia Petrunas
Nancy Picken-Roop
Brad Rayner
Joseph Rosati
Stefanie Schoeneberg
John Sebastiano
Victor Stanziani
Doug Tunis
Ramzi Twal (Posthumously)
Lori VanDinther
Robert Widdicombe
Dennis J. Williams
Drew Woolcott

40 Year (1978)

Ellen Boyce
Anthony Costa
Nancy Duce (RAHB Staff)
Anne Duff
Tom Rendall
Morris Turner
Judy Varga

50 Year (1968)

Sheila MacKenzie
David Minnick
Gabriel Riverso


ORTIS-Ontario Collective Data Sharing Agreement

This week the Ontario Regional Technology & Information Systems (ORTIS) group and the Ontario Collective™ announced they have signed an agreement to consolidate their two MLS® Systems into one. The consolidated system is expected to go live later this year. Note that this agreement relates only to the MLS® System – the participating boards/associations are not merging.

RAHB congratulates this effort and, as always, we look for ways for our REALTOR® members to access the broader Ontario real estate markets, and will share listings from within the RAHB market with others across Ontario on a reciprocal basis. Since August 2017, our members and those participating in ORTIS have shared all listings, helping over 8,000 REALTORS® better serve their clients.

Based on the contract we have in place with ORTIS, we expect their new arrangement with the Ontario Collective will provide our members access to listings across twelve additional boards/associations. To bridge the period until the consolidation occurs later this year, we are working with the Ontario Collective to put in place an interim data access arrangement, which we anticipate announcing this spring.

We will be sure to update you with new information as it arises, and we remain committed to our strategy of Providing Comprehensive Local MLS® Related Real Estate Market Data.

Warning to REALTORS®

Update – More Rental Scams

Another rental scam (similar as to the one reported on January 16) has been reported to RAHB. A member found their listing, as well as others from their brokerage, posted online with the details stolen from REALTOR.ca. Please be aware of such scams and report them to the police if found.

Rental Scam Alert

A rental scam was recently brought to the attention of a local brokerage, whereby their for sale listing, was fraudulently posted for rent on Kijiji . The property detail was stolen from REALTOR.ca. The ad poster/scammer demanded rent up front from the renter. The renter became suspicious, and thankfully searched the property address, found the official listing, and called the listing REALTOR® to report. Please be aware of such scams.

Open House Thieves

On January 6, 2019, a REALTOR® hosted an open house at a condominium in Stoney Creek. During the open house, a mother and son entered entered who claimed they were interested in buying; however, throughout the open house the son broke into a cabinet and stole several items of value from the condo. The women was older (70/80 years old) with blond air and grey roots. The son was 35-40 years old, 5’8, with medium brown hair and a long beard. Please be vigilant during open houses and report incidents if they happen.


City of Hamilton Tax Calculator

Please be advised that the URL for the City of Hamilton tax calculator has changed. The new URL is provided on Matrix, as well as the City of Hamilton’s website as http://taxcalculator.hamilton.ca/. Please disregard all other URL’s as they will not give the correct information.

For more information, please visit the City of Hamilton website: https://www.hamilton.ca/home-property-and-development/property-taxes/tax-calculator